I am a member of the Church of Christ.
The beliefs you describe are from a small branch of churches of Christ and is not the view of the majority of congregations.
These churches call themselves "conservative", but really, they are ultra-conservative. Many call them "Anti" congregations because they are against supporting orphan homes, helping needy outside the church, etc.
We should follow the Bible. It is wrong to introduce a new doctrine that the Bible does not allow. It is also wrong to bind a doctrine that the Bible does not bind.
Those churches who believe they should use their money just for helping the members are free to do so. The problem is they say it is wrong for other churches of Christ to also help non-members. The Bible does not make this restriction.
It is just as much a departure from the scriptures to loose what the bible does not loose (librelism) and to bind what the Bible does not bind as a doctrine (ultra-conservative). We should not go beyond the word of the Lord in either direction. We should speak where the Bible speaks, be silent where the Bible is silent, do Bible things in Bible ways, and call Bible things by Bible names. We should not "go beyond the word of the LORD my God, to do less or more." (Numbers 22:18)
I don't want to give the wrong impression, most of these congregations are very friendly, and they believe that it is good to help the needy, but not from the church treasury. They feel the money in the church treasury should go to help those who are in the church. They feel if someone is going to help the needy outside the church, they should do this out of their own funds.
Most congregations of the Church of Christ are very benevolent, helping many in need (both in and outside of their own fellowship). The letter written to the churches in Galatia says, "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." (Galatians 1:10)
As for only worshiping on Sunday, most congregations I am familure with worship on Sunday, but also have a mid-week worship on Wednesday night. Also, during a special revival, we may meet every day during the week.
During all of those worship services we sing, pray and have a message preached/taught from God's word.
On every Sunday, and only on Sunday, we also have communion (the Lord's Supper) and we take up an offering. We only do these two items on Sunday because the New Testament specifies that these be done "on the first day of the week". (Acts 20:7, 1 Corinthians 16:1-2)
I hope this helps!
2007-03-20 07:48:20
answer #1
answered by JoeBama 7
1. These 'collections" doesn't make sense, really. If the objection is to help the needy, why then must it pass thru a priest or the "church"? you might as well give it directly to the needy? Besides, the bible has guidelines on "alm giving" if you'd only check it? And have you ever dared to ask your priests where they get their source of living?...while they are not even employed?
2. Jesus said to the Samaritan woman - "...a time is coming when you will worship the Father NEITHER on this mountain nor in Jerusalem..."
If you go to church to worship God - then, you belong to Judaism religion. They usually go up to Jerusalem to worship. But this shouldn't be like this today. Worshipping God does not require place which is "physical". But rather "spiritual worship". "You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks."
(Well, unless you are a Samaritan - you are also worshipping what you do not know?) - You are not the true worshopper that the Father seeks?
You should rather stay home and read the bible than waste your time going to all this "worshipping-thing". You may not understand what you are doing, believe me.
May the light of Christ shines upon you and the rest of your "brethrens".
2007-03-19 03:07:22
answer #2
answered by GH 2
Dear Girl Lio,
Our convictions should be based on the Bible and we see that the Bible has many passages that support providing for and showing compassion to the poor. There are so many wonderful organizations like World Vision, Samaritan's Purse, etc. that minister to those in need. Most certainly as we look at what happened in Louisiana last year- there were many churches working side by side in the relief efforts. The collection a church takes is used to run the church and also to do the work of the church. The work of the church involves loving the community and world, and so there is nothing wrong with using the church's money towards that purpose. Many churches hold dinners for the homeless and it's a beautiful thing!
In fact how a church spends its money is a reflection on where their priorities are often.
There is nothing sinful about it.
i know that sometimes people get bent out of shape (ie: how do we know that homeless man won't take that money and buy drugs), this takes wisdom. Typically we try to give clothes and food or direct our financial resources to organizations which we know use those sources to care for people.
The Bible also teaches us that God is to be worshipped at all places at all times. There is nothing wrong with midweek Bible studies, prayer meetings, etc. i would say there may be something sinful about not attending church on a regular basis (because the Bible tells us not to forsake gathering together) but to gather during the week- i don't understand how that is sinful.
Hope that helps. Kindly,
2007-03-19 02:56:26
answer #3
answered by Nickster 7
It's only a sin if the church is giving money to support the sin. You can give money to support a sinner because we all are sinners. We give money to the church so they can stay in operation and help people. Isn't that the very purpose for a collection. I'm not from the "Church of Christ" but I am a Christian. We have service on Sunday, bible study on Wednesday night, and corporate prayer on Tuesday night.
Sin means without. Biblical sin refers to whatever you do "without" God. Why would it be a sin to have a service on another day?
2007-03-19 02:23:42
answer #4
answered by vikkip67 4
The Church of Christ is a sect that is not really Christian so it is probably based on their bible not the Christian Bible that you are talking about. They have their own books.
2007-03-19 02:09:02
answer #5
answered by S A 3
Wow, that's weird. Glad I'm Catholic!
2007-03-19 02:14:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well actualy the anssor 2 ur questions is quite simpole. u c, the bioballs is the word of god.
2007-03-19 02:08:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ask them to show you the proof!
2007-03-19 02:21:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous