if she is a minor then you need to tell your parents so they can get her help. anytime someone is mutilating their own body then they need help. it isnt normal and can lead to other forms of mutilation like drugs and permiscuous sex and maybe even suicide. she does not have it in control or she wouldnt be doing it at all. i hope you find this helpful and i wish you and your sister luck. just stay strong
2007-03-18 17:44:46
answer #1
answered by wlfbelcher 3
Hey! That is a scary thing for you and for her. There are a million possible explanations but she most likely doesn't have it in/under control. she'll say that and present that, she'll find new places to cut or new ways to cover it up. trust me she will. there are some use ful sites like www.recoveryourlife.com and it also has a lot of useful links. I know its confusing do i tell or not. I would talk with her 1st, eventually you have to tell but you need her to know its for the best of her. she is probably only trusting you with this information right now so try to keep her trust. dont threaten her or make her promise anything (besides that she will call you when she has an urge and try to talk it out 1st) but don't get mad at her if she slips up or makes mistakes. usually there is something bothering a cutter underneath.. and a lot of the time it needs professional help. you can get that for her but my advice is to try to gain a little trust from her and work with her to convince her she wants and needs help, at least get her to aknowledge she might need it because then when you take approiate steps to help her get she will be prepared. don't spend more than 2-3 weeks trying to help her own your own because it is a serious problem that is putting her at risk. most cutters aren't sucidial but they could slip and cut something else (also ask to see her scars every 3-4 days because she will feel less privacy in cuting). also the cuts could get infected (make sure she is cleaning them right) but she will need help beyond you but i know that if a person builds some trust before hand it is better off (i was a cutter i know how she feels and i know the shock you are in and this is the best advice i can give.. please ask more if need be)... but make sure you are there for her. tell her to call you, talk to her about getting help and how to go about it, don't let her gain privacy in cutting. (by checking the scars it takes away the private feeling.) don't take away tools/weapons she'll find soemthing else. elp her come up with a list of i'll try this before i cut.. then have her keep a copy of the list in several places.. one of the important places is on her main tool so she sees it 1st. it is ususally a way of coping but every person is different. use your judgement and with in a month get her help!
2007-03-18 18:23:07
answer #2
answered by KT 2
If shes cutting herself she acting out to show theres something there that needs to be addressed. I know from experienced that doing that is very serious and if you have to call a doctor so she can get the help she needs. My cousin did the same thing and we couldnt save her. You probably would be saving her life but would you take that chance?
2007-03-18 17:44:54
answer #3
answered by swampz26 2
People who cut themselves, usually girls, are engaging in unhealthy coping mechanisms. Sometimes cutters do so in a way where others will see them to get attention. They will make cuts in obvious areas or cut themselves in areas such as a school bathroom so others will find them. These cutters are unable to get attention appropriately and resort to these actions to get others to notice them and notice that they are in emotional turmoil or crisis. Other cutters will do so secretively and will cut themselves in places on their bodies that others will not see. These cutters are also using very unhealthy coping skills and they can be more dangerous because if no one knows they are cutting then they are not getting the attention that they do need. Regardless, your sister probably needs professional help and I would start by talking to her and getting the two of you to talk to your parent(s), other trusted adult, school counselor, etc...whether she thinks she is in control or not cutting can be a sign of some deep emotional pain and needs to be addressed before things get worse.
2007-03-18 17:55:12
answer #4
answered by wif 1