I feel that i obsess over everything my boyfriend does. Everytime he says something, I read a million other things into it. Everytime he leaves and goes somehwere without me, I think hes doing someting I wouldnt like. It doesnt matter if hes going to the store for bread- and is gone the right amount of time- he is still goin to rendezvous with "HER" and i dont even know who HER is. When he says something- whether in esponse to my questions or just out of the blue or in normal conversation- i think he is lying to me. in fact I am convinved he is. We are broken up right now and I still cant stop doing these things. I try everything I know of to stop doing them but they persist. We've had our problems, but we still love each other. I have been diagnosed with bi-polarism and chronic depression. Thats why i was wondring if maybe- even just some- of this was my mind working overtime and being neruotic?I have been like this since we got together- and we ended uo breaking up after 6 months
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➔ Mental Health
and two weeks later were back together. We had been together for almost 4 years at this point and we have a son together. he is 7 months old. If this is some kind of disorder I need to know so that I can keep it from affecting his life and mine too. Im scared that this will affaect all furure relationships since I also dont trust most anyone else and think that most of what they say is lies. (no im not paranoid....at least not like that). It hurts me to put myself and loved ones through my bullshit if its only in my mind. I feel like im am going to totally lose it altogether if dont figure out whats going on and get help- or at least do what needs to be done.
17:15:38 ·
update #1
also, since we broke up, I still think every word out of his mouth is either a white lie or a big lie, and i obsess over what hes doing and where hes been (we still live together- seperate rooms and all now though- for the kids sake)
17:16:57 ·
update #2
Ive always had this problem- and not just with him. its with many many people. i think most anything im told is a lie, or at least a way of directing me away fromthe truthof whats going on. i know i have a problem, i cant afford to go see a doctor or anything. i dot want to ask for edicl assistance. I dont know what to do dammit!
17:52:12 ·
update #3