They must repent and turn from it and accept the Lord just as everyone else has to if they want to get in. Simple as that.
2007-03-18 15:40:28
answer #1
answered by Stahn 3
I think sin is sin, whether you have overeaten or sodomized--but I believe we are to hate the sin, love the sinner.
I say Yes, because sinners can get into heaven otherwise noone would be there because everyone is a sinner.
Only IF they repent? then what if a perfectly good Christ follower has a fleeting sinful thought prior to keeling over dead, --he didn't get a chance to repent that so where does he go?
Again, I say yes, a gay person can get to heaven. I also believe performing homosexual acts is a sin. As is sitting up and answering yahoo stuff and ignoring your family.
2007-03-18 15:58:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Romans 1 deals with this issue. It's not that God wouldn't have anything to do with them, it's the opposite. This is one of many issues that Romans 1 talks about so it is not singling out certain people and giving other people a pass. God offers forgiveness to everyone, but we are then supposed to repent and change our ways. This being said, in the kingdom of heaven their is no marriage either.
Matthew 22:30 reads "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven."
2007-03-18 16:11:19
answer #3
answered by PF32 2
As religion from growing up christian, no gay people would not get into heaven. To get into heaven you must be free of all sin. And in this particular religion it is sin to live a gay lifestyle. By the way,I am not insulting anyone's belief. I am aswering from a christian/evangelical point of view.
2007-03-18 15:43:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I, personally, do because though God does not like being gay, He doesn't like lying either. Both are sins and the Bible says all sins are equal. Granted, if you've accepted Jesus, I don't know why you would consciously keep sinning, though it does happen sometimes but I don't see how you can play with grace like that. Possible? Yes...I'd say its very possible. Off topic, but I think that people aren't born gay but rather have gay tenancies just like alcoholics have tenancies toward drinking addiction. Its in their makeup...they have to choose though.
2007-03-18 15:44:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I believe everybody will go to the same place after this life, and everybody will have the chance to see their mistakes in life, not only sexual-related ones, but all of them. Then, we will be prepared to be born again. This is a Law applicable to everyone, gays or not-gays.
2007-03-18 15:53:20
answer #6
answered by Janet Reincarnated 5
God sent his son to die for everyone who would believe and accept salvation through Christ. There is no one who can live a perfect sinless life. If that were possible, Christ died needlessly. However, God asks that we turn from our sin and repent of it. I believe if you truly have asked Christ into your life, will be in heaven. But why risk continuing with a life contrary to God's laws. Personally, I would not take such a risk.
2007-03-18 15:47:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't believe it's my place to judge anyone as a Christian. The only one without sin can judge and that's NONE of us. Only God decides. But if you want to read what He says about it...Leviticus 18 vs 22 thru 30
2007-03-18 15:46:51
answer #8
answered by debrenee211 5
Yes I think gay people will but not bisexuals. I mean I have love for both but I can understand homosexuals liking the opposite sex but bisexualism is just basically doing anything on two legs and I don't think God will approve.
2007-03-18 15:42:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Your Avatar looks gay.
And as for your question, I couldn't tell you. Haven't been to Heaven. My educated opinion. No. But being gay is not a sin. Only acting on it is. So, you can be gay and abstinent and probably get in. Be a fudge packer or a carpet licker and my guess, not.
2007-03-18 15:40:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I think God loves those who are sinners and come to His Son for Salvation. Yes, I think homosexuals can be saved but that's just my opinion. I certainly do not wish to speak for God.
2007-03-18 15:41:48
answer #11
answered by Anonymous