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Why do people get away with abortion? how can they think it's o.k? They're KILLING a human being!!!!!

2007-03-18 12:55:08 · 31 answers · asked by ann 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

From the moment of conception the fertilized egg becomes a living soul made in the image of God. It is unspeakably horrible.

2007-03-18 13:01:05 · answer #1 · answered by cswint2000 5 · 0 1

Well, because it is legal. A lot of health care providers don't mind doing it. I had to do some while in residency and it really made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't do it. I don't do it now. I have the woman go somewhere else to have it done. That's my own personal feeling.

Although, I do think it should be kept legal. There are reasons to have an abortion, and I'm not going to take the right away from a woman just because I don't think it's right. If it wasn't legal, there would be women going to some doctor in an alley and having it performed by someone who didn't know what they were doing. It would do much more harm then good. At least right now we know that they are getting it done by compitent, trained people who are very familiar with the anatomy of the human body.

I think if more women understood what happens is what stages of pregnancy, less women would do it. Usually by the time a woman knows she's pregnant, the baby already has a heartbeat, and the brain is already developing. They have done studies that show that fetuses can feel pain. If you have ever witnessed an abortion, you would understand who horrible it is.

For me, it's just hard to know that someone would stop the growth of something they helped create. My husband and I had problems with fertility. We had two miscarriages and a stillbirth before we finally had a live birth, and that was after over 8 years of marriage and trying for a baby. So part of it for me is the fact that there are so many people out there trying to have kids, or know they can't have kids, that are waiting to adopt. I think it would be so much better if the woman chose to have the baby and put it up for adoption. It would help someone else, and they would know that that baby has love and affection and they helped someone else find happiness.

2007-03-18 20:04:56 · answer #2 · answered by odd duck 6 · 1 0

I answer these questions over and over and this time I was not going to say anything but God and my heart could not keep silent. Some of the comments were "Cannot kill something that isnt alive". That baby, fetus,embryo whatever you call it is alive from the moment of conception- heart beats at 3 weeks after conception. If it was not alive, it would not grow. Where there is life there is growth. My question to you is when is it life? Those people who say that 90% of the fertilized ova never live and many women have abortions that do not even know about- that is true, but that is not because the woman chose to take a life. If a woman had a miscarriage at lets say= 6 weeks just after she found out she was pregnant- she and everyone around her would GRIEVE THE LOSS OF A CHILD- not a cell- but if that same woman had a abortion it would just be a cell and it is ok. Doest not make sense to me- and besides the loss of a HUMAN BABY- an abortion can hurt the woman- many physical and emotional risks. God gave life to that child, no one has the right to take it away.

2007-03-18 21:33:43 · answer #3 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 1 0

If you think that killing a fetus is the same as killing 12 loved and wanted children then your are insane. And that is what happens when you "save" an unwanted fetus. The resouces it takes to "save a fetus" could be better used to save 12 children that are already born. So it is murder to stop an abortion of a unwanted fetus.
There is not one person in the world that knows for a fact that a fetus is a "life". But we all know that a child is a life. So why kill the children and let the fetus live? Only those that hold the fetus in the position of a god could make an excuse to warrant killing the 12 to save the 1. Are you a person that believes in the fetus be god, or do you love children?

2007-03-18 21:50:37 · answer #4 · answered by Give me Liberty 5 · 1 1

First of all, they aren't real human beings...yet.

Secondly, I think it is wrong when people abuse the right to abortion. You know, the sluts who run around having sex all the time and whenever they end up saddled with a kid they just abort it. However, how can we dictate what a woman whose been raped can do with her fetus? What if the person she had been raped by was a family member? There are so many other awful scenarios that could occur, and women should have that option available. It's better than a desperate woman having an unprofessional abortion, or committing suicide.

So, I think that abortion is something that should be allowed, but on a "special cases" basis.

2007-03-18 20:18:19 · answer #5 · answered by Stardust 6 · 0 2

Here's a deeper question for you...

How can people pontificate about abortion...about the "sanctity" of life...and at the same time be opposed to allowing teens access to contraception???????????

The teen birth rate here in the USA is 9 times....read that again...9X that of the Netherlands, where they take sex education SERIOUSLY!!!!

There, they put the emphasis on the pregnancy; NOT the sex!!!!!

So, how can religious people get their undies all in a knot about abortion, when they are unwilling to allow young people access to contraception???

Abortion is NOT a good thing.

Neither is denying teens access to contraception.

Deal with it.

2007-03-18 20:19:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

90% of all fertilised ova abort naturally. Most women do not know they have conceived. Many of these fertilised ova fail to implant on the uterus or, if they do, fail soon after and the woman experiences a heavy period. By comparison, the few foetuses that are aborted medically are a drop in the ocean. If you are worried about all the abortions, why are you not worried about all the natural ones? Surely, in your view, they are all human beings too?

2007-03-18 20:03:08 · answer #7 · answered by tentofield 7 · 0 1

think about it this way.. abortion is for the best. if some one got pregant, and they didnt want the child, then when the child was born, it wouldnt be wanted, and in most cases, people who want to get an abortion are younger. and if your younger then you most likely can barely support your self let alone another person. So if you were to go ahead and have the child, then it would suffer. it could not have a lot of food and its mother could neglect it becuase she wasnt ready for the child, and the childs life would be very stressful. So if you knew this would happen, wouldnt you get rid of the baby before it could think for itself?
when a baby is still in the mother, its not going to know whats going on and i personally dont consider it to be a human being yet. and its not like it will remember anything. i mean, i dont even remeber anything before the age of 5. so how could you remeber somthing when your not even born yet. plus, the world is sooo over populated so we need to stop having babies, and if those accidents happen, then abortion is a good idea. i think.

2007-03-18 20:58:40 · answer #8 · answered by xxRedRobinxx 3 · 0 2

They are not getting "away" with abortion. In most places it's legal. Some people aren't ready to have children, and they realize this and do not wish to infest the world with yet another unwanted, crying, screaming child. And what of a woman who is impregnated during rape? Are you really going to make her carry that child?

2007-03-18 20:01:31 · answer #9 · answered by Spex 3 · 1 0

The idea that a fetus is a person is a religious belief. Others don't share it. And that's why abortion is legal. Get over it.

2007-03-18 19:59:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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