The Bible is ancient book, Qur'an is Medieval book. The Bible was here before Qur'an. To me Qur'an is inspired word of the Bible...with some changes. And the Bible is inspired Word of God which Jesus and Muhammed confirmed.
Jesus is God, Muhammed is a self claimed prophet.
2007-03-18 12:56:53
answer #1
answered by SeeTheLight 7
It is truth in your eyes but not in mine.
We believe that Jesus was a Prophet of God so he was not looking for the truth but spreading it. As for him saying "I am the Truth," that was recorded in the Bible and Muslims do not completely trust all what the bible says.
We also believe in the miracles that Jesus performed, and that he was able to do them because of God. As did the other Prophets. Including Muhammad (pbuh).
Muslims believe that God rose Jesus into the heavens and that he did not die on the cross. You believe he did. No matter how much we argue on this we cannot prove it to eachother so the arguement is pointless
Muhammad (pbuh) did not recieve any revelations until he was older. After that, just like all the other prophets, he too spread the truth. And that was the final message.
Does that fact that no one believes that Muhammad (pbuh) rose from the dead prove anything? And again, we do not believe he was resurrected because he never died according to islam. He is still alive and will return (according to the Quran)
I really dont know enough about the Bible to say this but you are only using the Bible as your proof so how can I believe what you say? Muhammad (pbuh) also fulfilled prophesies in islam but you dont believe in those....Muslims also believe Muhammad (pbuh) was mentioned in the Bible but Christians have different interpretations of this
If the Bible said that it never changes, the Quran said that it did. I believe in the Quran so I will take its message as more of a truth than the Bible.
And I'm definitely not trying to say that you are wrong and I am right, I'm just trying to explain islam. Hope I didn't offend.
2007-03-18 13:01:01
answer #2
answered by E.T.01 5
1. Jesus is not recorded as saying anything. None of the gospel writers was his contemporary. Anything reported is hearsay.
2. The supposed miracles are not proof of anything. The plural of anecdote is not data.
3. The death of Jesus was not recorded by four gospel writers but was written about after the event by people who were not there.
4. Lots of people look for the truth. Mohammed's view was as good as Constantine's, after all Constantine decided which books would and would not be in the Bible hundreds of years after the death of Jesus.
5. Many people do not believe Christ rose from the dead either. One legendary prophet is as good as another.
6. The Biblical "prophecies" have been twisted as has history to make it seem as though the prophecies were fulfilled. Again with the gospels written well after the death of Christ and selected from many contenders hundreds of years later, it is not surprising that those that seemed to give more credence were those that were selected.
7. It changed many many times in the hundreds of years before it was fixed by the Council of Nicaea.
2007-03-18 12:56:09
answer #3
answered by tentofield 7
One Muslim sect in Europe (the Ahmadiyya) admit that Jesus was crucified.
But they believe he was not dead when taken down from the cross, he regained consciousness and went to India where he was buried finally.
This sect denies the doctrine of the Redemption, as do the mainstream Muslim denominations. Jesus' miracles were done with God's permission,he was God's messenger.
2007-03-18 13:02:24
answer #4
answered by Plato 5
I see. So Jesus is right and Muhammed, Allah, Buddha and everyone else is wrong and damned to eternal damnation. MAN is that a mean thing to say...
There are too many holes in the story of christianity. It seems that you have picked up a couple of "truths" that you believe to be true and good for you is what I say. You just keep on preaching.
I will be spending eternity in hell. Yay for me.
2007-03-18 12:49:27
answer #5
answered by greenfan109 4
Muslims believe in the Absolute Oneness of God, Who is a Supreme Being free of human limitations, needs and wants. He has no partners in His Divinity. He is the Creator of everything and is completely separate from His creation, and all worship is to be directed towards Him alone.
This was the same message brought by all prophets of God, including Jesus. He never claimed any qualities of divinity, nor did he claim that he deserved to be worshipped. He did not say that he was the “son” of God or part of the “Trinity”, but rather that he was only a servant of God sent to the Jews to bring them back to the true religion, worshipping One God and following his instruction. The majority of the verses in the Quran which mention Jesus discuss this aspect. They prove that he was only taken as an object of worship as a result of lies which people invented against him. It confirms accounts of his life where Jesus himself clearly denies that he deserved any worship, and it supports the notion that the parables and examples which God has given showed his mortal nature, not his divinity or filial relationship to God.
God clarified in the Quran that Jesus was not crucified; rather, it was made to seem that way to the Jews, and that God raised him to the Heavens. The Quran does not explain, though, who was the person crucified instead of Jesus, may God praise him.
“They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but (another) was made to resemble him to them.” (Quran 4:157)
“God lifted him up to His presence. God is Almighty, All-Wise.” (Quran 4:158)
As such, Islam denies that Jesus came to this earth with the purpose of sacrificing himself for the sin of Adam, Eve, and the rest of humanity, freeing them from its burden. Islam strictly rejects the notion that any person bears the sin of another.
As Christians do, Muslims also believe in the return of Jesus the Messiah to earth, although his role and reason for his return does differ from what the Christians propose. He will return to earth first and foremost to prove his mortality and refute the false beliefs people held about him. He will live a normal life, marry, and also die as any other human. At that point, the matter will be clear concerning him, and all people will have believed that he was truly mortal.
“There is not one of the People of the Scripture but will believe in him (Jesus) before his death, and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them.” (Quran 4:156-159)
Jesus will also fight the false Christ, who will call people to the belief that he is God, and who will appear just before he returns. Jesus will defeat the antichrist, and all people will accept the true religion of God. The world will see a type of peace and serenity unfelt in history, all worshipping the same God, subservient to Him alone, and at peace with one another.
All muslims are required to believe in all prophets, but because all holy book were tampered with (except the quran remains in it's original form) we only believe what the quran says about them.
2007-03-18 13:04:46
answer #6
answered by Saritta 2
Are you asking a question or preaching?
Mohammed is said to have performed many miracles, why not check your facts instead of assuming you know something?
Your 'question' seems to read: Jesus is better than Mohammed. Thanks, you've enlightened us all. I am sure your God will reward you and all men regard your wisdom and faith with awe.
What a righteous and correct fellow you are.
2007-03-18 12:50:36
answer #7
answered by mince42 4
Muslims believe in Jesus
2007-03-18 12:50:17
answer #8
answered by adiga_5ijabz 4
7 is incorrect, the bible has infact been rewritten and changed many times.
Jesus (pbuh) and Muhammad (pbuh) are both prophets with the same mission, noone is trying to discredit Jesus (pbuh)
2007-03-18 12:48:55
answer #9
answered by Chelle's Belle 4
you really are thick they found the lost tomb of Jesus so explain that with your silly tale that makes no sense
2007-03-18 12:46:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous