Although school can get tough and very stressing. You really shouldnt be depressed about it. Stick with it, there have been plenty of times where i thought i was failing a class and wound up getting a B. If you do end up not passing, see if you can take the course in a local community college and transfer the credits. classes are much smaller in community colleges and the teachers seem more interested in students passing. and if you're already in a community college seek tutoring. just a suggestion
2007-03-18 10:39:49
answer #1
answered by iwannakno 2
You may benefit from meeting with your TA or professor. I used to be a TA (for geology) and my students who were having trouble never showed up at office hours until the day before the exam, when it was too late to help them. TA's love it when a student actually shows up. Lots of times there are studying tricks, some little thing you don't get. My one math tip is to try and do some of the homework BEFORE you read the chapter, because a lot of the times, the proofs/etc. don't make a lot of sense until after you've got a bit of a handle on the new topic. In fact, I usually waited to work the proofs AFTER I did most or all of the homework (sometimes the hardest problems you do need to understand the proof really well, first). Oh, and another tip, is to take really good notes and pay attention in class. One more is to get up early the day of an exam and go through your notes/homework for a couple hours so you are as brushed up on your stuff as you can be. And one final thing is, when you get the test and panic (and you're wondering if you showed up for the right exam???!!!) skip thru the test until you get to an easier problem for you, and do that one. Then you calm down. Save the ones that are hardest for you until last. Whoa!!!!!!!! Turned out I had a lot of tips. Hope some of them helped. I have a math degree and had very severe bipolar disorder (undiagnosed at the time) and managed to finish that degree using most of those tips.
Good luck!! Don't feel dumb going to see your prof or TA! They'll love to see you!
PS others on here are right, it's not the end of the world if you have to take this class again. Most people know that calculus is a tough subject. Math was my best subject, and it was hard for me too - it's a bit of an alien way to think. It's good to stretch your brain a bit, but you don't want it to snap!!!
2007-03-18 18:58:32
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hiya, who-k!
Everyone has limit's that get stretched, especially in college!!! I give you massive kudos for even understanding calculus; I'll never get that far! :) Anywho, I'd make sure first & foremost that you don't fret too much about it; college is very important, but your sanity is MUCH more so! Take a step back & look at the big picture: how are you doing so far? How's your grade? that should be the first indicator. Second, if help is available, use it!! Does your prof have a T.A. you can hit up for help? Does the proff him/herself have office hours if you have trouble w/ the material? Also, most colleges offer tutor programs for free! Never be above gettting help! Check all your options, & pace yourself. Remember, we want you to come out the other end of all this w/ a degree, not brain damage from stress! Best of luck!!! You WILL DO GREAT!
2007-03-18 17:42:51
answer #3
answered by Spiral_Dancer 3
You will get through it. I took a statistics class that gave me so much anxiety that I thought I wasn't going to get by. I got a D on my first exam. Then I committed myself to understanding it, and without panicking I just spent as much extra time as I could trying to understand it. I ended up with an A in the class. Make sure that you are doing other things to relieve stress as well, such as exercising, and don't think about the class during these times. I got through law school the same way. Just take a few deep breaths, you will be okay. Good Luck!
2007-03-18 17:39:21
answer #4
answered by kayaress 3
Take a day off and consider a different class, maybe? Or if you can't switch, then make a friend in the class and try working together.
2007-03-18 18:33:38
answer #5
answered by insideout72 3
College is kind of the end of being a kid and on your way to Adulthood.Trudge along,in 10 years it will all be a memory.
2007-03-18 17:36:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
take a day off, and think about the courses your taking, can u drop it and go into an easier calculus course?
2007-03-18 17:36:07
answer #7
answered by cus i forgot my name...? 3
Buck up, sonny boy!
2007-03-18 17:36:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous