For one, it's jujutsu. Jutsu is from the Japanese for "art." "Jitsu" is only used if you're referring to a style that originated outside of Japan, such as Brazilian Jiujitsu. Second, jujutsu incorporates more strikes and techniques, but it's more shallow in its applications. Aikido has a narrower range of applications, but is far more effective in those applications. At least, that's been my experience. If you were to fight people to injure or kill, I'd say aikido would be the better art. If you plan on simply defending yourself and causing minimal harm to your opponent, jujutsu would be better.
2007-03-18 10:03:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Both have their strong & weak points. In reality, it all depends upon the teacher as well as what style of jujutsu we're talking about. Are you talking about BJJ, some new-fangled "goshin jitsu" that Joe Blow Sensei teaches out of a local strip mall dojo or a classical school of jujutsu?
Aikido is both a "hard" and "soft" martial art, which is variable and adjusts depending upon the situation/attack. Unfortunately, more & more Aikido instructors are getting away from the harder side of the art. The Aikido I practice still preserves the harder aspect that Aikido has in common with classical jujutsu (from which it is derived from).
The most important factor is the instructor. Go observe a few classes. Trust you gut. Do you think you can learn something from him? Do you like him? How are the other students? Does the place have a "good vibe"? The name on the sign means little: it all depends upon what happens on the mat.
In my personal opinion: If you can find an Aikido dojo that teaches both the hard & soft aspects of Aikido, then definitely Aikido. However, if you can't, go with the jujutsu.
2007-03-19 03:44:07
answer #2
answered by dewmeister 2
Both are good. Don't listen to some of these clowns; they do not know what they are talking about. I know both and found that Aikido is better for defense and Ju Jitsu is better for offense and over all fighting. Most police forces learn both. I would learn both, but if only one then Aikido, unless you just really feel like you will be doing a lot of fighting. Most of the time it's over in 5 seconds or less. The best option is not to fight, but sometimes people do not give that to you.
2007-03-18 15:10:43
answer #3
answered by Tim 2
Brazillian Ju-Jitsu, without a doubt. Most fights end up on the ground so you are going to want to learn to grapple. Alot of successful MMA fighters have mastered the technique.
2007-03-18 09:51:02
answer #4
answered by montana16niner 2
They are both entirely realistic, but if you are looking for a Martial Art which has well roundedness,then Jujitsu is the Art for you. It has Striking, Ground game ( top on bottom on ground), Has Submissions, and Escapes with Takedowns.
It's an awesome art and I have a Black Belt in Brazilian Jujitsu.
Very fun, and keeps you healthy and it's real on the streets.
Thanks for your time.
2007-03-18 09:49:22
answer #5
answered by Phlow 7
Hapkido or Vale Tudo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is kind of pointless because unless you go to the ground you wont have the proper knowledge of how to stand and fight.
2007-03-18 15:19:01
answer #6
answered by David K 3
2007-03-18 11:41:09
answer #7
answered by the Goddess Angel 5
Neither and better question what kind of cement head would ever want to fight people?
Both systems have rules and guidelines when sparring.
People in the real world don't follow rules about tapping out and biting, fish hooking, groin shots, eye gouging, using weapons, sucker punching etc etc etc.
If you want to train in an art, do so but don't try to make it into something it isn't.
2007-03-18 09:54:33
answer #8
answered by zaphodsclone 7
i do taequando and jiu jitsu and i find both good. jiu jitsu is good for grappeling, submission, and learning how to get out of submission. my reccomendation is try both for a while, and if you like them both, continue or then u can just pick one. i find having a well-rounded martial arts better than none. :)
2007-03-18 16:20:43
answer #9
answered by Riki S 2
definitally Jujutsu because then you are well rounded they teach you how to use weapons but also how to fight very well with your hands and feet and when i was at school i was taught how to bring him to the ground and i accidentally broke his nose all in like 30 secs so i believe that JuJitsu is the best type!
2007-03-18 13:07:44
answer #10
answered by green_day_fan_5 2