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Im 18 years old and in high school. Im not a wimp and I usually punch my punching bag for practice. The other day in gym, some kid got his cell phone and wallet stollen. He was walking around really pissed. He then looked at me and noticed that I was chuckeling with my friend. I was chuckeling about a joke my friend told me and he must have thought I was laughing at him. He then walked up to me and asked me if I thought it was funny and before I could even respond he smacked me in the face. I didnt do anything back. I just stood there and looked at him in disbelief. It hurt for only a couple of seconds and it didnt leave a mark on my face. A whole bunch of people saw it and now im thinking that I should get a little more buff and hit my punching bag a little more and pick a fight with him latter on. By the way, since then he has apoligized twice saying, "My bad" and "Shake it off" while giving me a hand shake. Did I do the right thing by not hitting him back? Would u have?

2007-03-18 09:37:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

13 answers

Yes. You did the right thing.
Now you seem to be considering doing the wrong thing.
From now on keep this hothead at a distance.

2007-03-18 16:54:50 · answer #1 · answered by JV 5 · 1 0

"Doing the right thing" is a very difficult question to answer. Based on the way you asked your question I'm going to say NO you did not do the right thing. Here's why I believe that.

1. If you knew in your heart that what you did was right, you would not have been asking this question.

2. Since you did ask the question it leads me to believe that you were both afraid of the guy a bit, or afraid of "fighting" and that you left some self respect back on the floor after he smacked you. (Not saying pride is great or anything though)

3. You obviously aren't "confident" in yourself from the statements "a lot of people saw it" and "thinking I should get a little more buff and hit my punching bag"

Those and some other things lead me to believe that you took an a** whooping that day that went much deeper than getting hit on the face. I'm not saying the right thing was to hit back, but it definitely wasn't the right thing to leave your dignity there lying on the floor. You should go get it back. It's not a pride issue, it's the fact that you look at youself everyday in the mirror. Be honest with the person looking back. If you fail to take a stand for yourself once, it become easier again. Before you know it you're a victim to the fear, you can't rise to the challenge, and you're just a "poser" hitting his bag and thinking to yourself how great you really are. Don't be that way, you don't have to fight, but don't back down either. Just remember, there is a time and place for ALL things. That includes going to the fist. It also includes letting someone else walk away with grace.

2007-03-19 02:16:01 · answer #2 · answered by wldathrt77 3 · 0 0

I would have stomped his *** into the ground and made him remeber that I was the one who did it to him. No dont pick a fight with him now, and there is no need to bulk up just to fight. Being big doesnt make you better at fighting, all the people I have ever fought were much bigger than me and I beat the hell out of them. Hitting the bag is good as long as you are doing it correctly, otherwise you will break your wrists. You did the right thing by not fighting someone in an already mad feeling, because you ended up looking more mature and he looked like the one trying to pick a fight.

But yeah you should have beat his punk *** for picking a fight with you. It doesnt make you a ***** for not doing so, but now he thinks that he owns you, and next time he shakes your hand and says that to you, pull him forward, look him in the eye and tell him that if he ever even thinks of doing that again, you will stomp his little ***. And dont let go of his hand until he looks away from you.

2007-03-18 22:26:23 · answer #3 · answered by David K 3 · 0 2

Things happen this fast so you ned to be aware.

Numbre one)

If you saw him in need of help, knowing his phone was stolen and all, it probably wasnt a good thing to be laughing.

Him hauling off and hitting you envolved him coming up to you, now you knew he was aggatated by his phone issue already right, you should have kept your eye on the situation.

Your being lax and laughing it up with your friend let him time to get that close to you to punch you.

You should have seen him coming and aggitated.

Be aware of your surroundings.

Number two)

You should leave it as it is.

But know that he is capable of this kind of attack so keep an eye out for it again, and be ready.

Live and learn.

Let it go.

2007-03-20 22:51:10 · answer #4 · answered by sapboi 4 · 0 0

VERY HARD what you did, to be able to control yourself in that situation and specially when you are 18 and in front of your peers, for that I applaud you.

It's also hard to asses the situation as being mad doesn't give you the right to hit people even if they are laughing at you (but you weren't). So hitting him back might also been right, but not necessarily smarter.

If he apologized and you weren't really hurt, I'd say everything turned out just fine, you don't need to prove anything to anybody anyway, you seem to be mature enough.

2007-03-19 13:59:56 · answer #5 · answered by Frank the tank 7 · 0 0

As long as you feel you did then that is what matters. If you would have hit him back you both more than likely would have gotten expelled from school. Conversely if he would have smacked me I would have beat the breaks off of him, but that;s just me. It's a personal thing, and I'm no longer in HS.

2007-03-18 22:06:22 · answer #6 · answered by Tim 2 · 0 0

the same thing happened to me yesterday. Someone said that i said something about this girl but i didnt and and the girl comes up to me and starts yelling and i said what? and she pushes me in the wall and im like what the hell are you doing and she punches me in the face! everybody was watching us and i just look at her and i wanted to punch her back but i didnt i just stood there and finally walked away.
today everybody was calling me a puss.y
it sucks....

2007-03-20 19:47:18 · answer #7 · answered by Kyndal14 2 · 0 0

I would have hit him back at the time. Now though if you do something you'll be the one who gets in trouble if you hit him. Seeing as how he has already apologized twice let it go.

2007-03-19 01:05:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no, you should have told him you werent laghing at him. you sould have told him that befor he hit you. REMEMBER NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO LAY A HAND ON YOU. i would have sriked back if he hit me. ITS TO LATE NOW he apoligized, if you were to hit him you would be starting the fight. JUST LET HIM BE.

2007-03-18 23:02:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can never solve anything by violence. You were the better man by not allowing your temper to get the better of you. If he had attempted to hit you again, then you should defend yourself.

2007-03-19 03:28:37 · answer #10 · answered by Bigfoot 7 · 0 0

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