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I believe not as it goes beyond the laws of physics e.t.c

Why do creationists worship a blank entity?

2007-03-18 09:04:05 · 33 answers · asked by paul g 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

No there's no proof of the existence of any gods, and never likely to be.

People who worship such things do so only because they are brainwashed into it.

2007-03-18 09:08:21 · answer #1 · answered by mainwoolly 6 · 4 5

paul: This is somewhat, long but please bear with me. As a Christian, I had to answer this question for myself when I came over from an Atheistic mindset. Science per sec, can not prove there is a God nor can it disprove it since the Sciences deal with the material. BUT, the Scientific evidence points to the likely hood of there being a Creator. What evidence might this be, you are asking ? In Physics, the element Uranium (U32) has a half-life of between 7 - 10 thousand years, then, the Uranium decays or breaks down into the element Pb ( Lead ) . - So; what's the big deal about this ? The Scientific question therefore, arises, Why hasn't all the Uranium then, turned to Lead (Pb) by now ? I agree that the earth is Billions of years old. The problem is the Biblical account from the Bible Book of Genesis records a Creator doing the creating and when you understand that this is talking about the RE-structuring of the earth to accommendate human life on a earth already in existence, then, the "shoe" fits. Another proof is that of the earth's fossil record namely, the Cambrian division or phylia. This reveals the sudden creation of the animal life with the vertabrae that humans have. This division reveals in what Paleontologists call the "Big Bang". There was nothing existing prior to this but a few Jelly fish fossils in the Pre-Cambrian phylia then, "BANG" all of a sudden there is an explosion of animal life. This is throws a "monkey wrench" into Darwin's Evolutionary theory since Darwin claims the whole creation evolves SLOWLY ( called "divergence" ) and this fossil layer [Cambrian] disproves that ! Scientists from around the world are questioning Darwin's theory and the consensus doesn't look to good for Darwin and his preachers of the ape. (see: The web-site from the Center of Science and Culture re: [ www,dissentfromdarwin.org ] ) . The real question therefore, is this. Why do the text books in High School and the institutions of higher learning still proclaim "Darwinism" as a dogma of the "educated" for ?

2007-03-18 09:37:22 · answer #2 · answered by guraqt2me 7 · 0 1

how on earth can you say creationists believe in a blank entity when you haven't tried the entity for yourself, perhaps its because He (the Deity/Entity) doesn't want to let such a narrow minded unbeliever from seeing what we Creationists Believe..after all unless He gives us the Power of understanding, we would be as blind to the Truth as you obviously are. Faith is a Gift of God. Why do you reject it..its already been paid for by the Blood of the Son of God.

2007-03-18 11:05:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

God is an ideal held by people, for some it exists, for others it may not. God exists only in the people, if you choose to believe then God exists, if you choose not then it does not exist.

But a much more interesting questions are why worship God, and what are beneficial aspects of having a faith (not only for yourself but for other people as well)?

It may be a reassurance from death, or a cause to justify living, maybe quite sinisterly it all could be a social tool to satisfy the masses, however none of these answers are completely right as faith is a personal choice, which changes as much as a person does in life. Despite ideological differences and causes all mainstream faiths have always attempted to teach people a positive moral stance, and the fact that all people (as long as they are within society) are not completely individual and do owe back to others.

2007-03-18 10:07:06 · answer #4 · answered by RedRogueXIII 1 · 0 1


The whole concepts of gods are wrong anyway. If god is omnipresent then that means he is inside the suffering and pain of others since according to the bible he is everywhere. It also says he is benevolent, how could a benevolent being be inside the suffering of others as well. Also an omnipotent god who is all loving would surely be able to create us to have free will but not have the choice of evil, since he hasn't made this happen that means he is not all loving. If the concepts of god are wrong then how can he exist if the holy books are everything the three abrahamic religions have got. it is like the square triangle theory since god is apparently omnipotent he should be able to create a square triangle, so he should be able to give us freewill without the choice of evil. I know that may defeat the object of freewill but since he is all powerful then surely he would be able to make it happen.

God isn't real

2007-03-18 20:07:17 · answer #5 · answered by ads421 1 · 1 0

the idea of God stemmed out of mankind's knowledge of it's own mortallity. no one wants to admit to it that someday everything, at least for you, is going to just be over. but the existence of God isnt tangable, because no one can answer the question of His existence in this world until they transcend it. and then if they can come back and give testimony to it, they or whomever they tell is deemed crazy. but spiritual evidence of God's existence is everywhere in the world. i see God in the words and actions of my friends and family. and i know that when i die, i'll have passed the spirit of God and my own spirit to my children to carry with them. there's my immortallity. now arguing that there isnt a God becasue it "goes beyond the laws of physics" really seems like an incredibly weak arguement. how could you use a law that was written by man, to explain something that will always be lightyears beyond our own comprehensibility? to offer an analogy, trying to explain God with quantum mechanics and special relativity is like trying to explain pitch to someone who is tone-deaf...it doesnt really work.

2007-03-18 11:46:58 · answer #6 · answered by seanny 1 · 0 1

If you will open up the Bible you will see the wisdom that God has given us. Creation testifies for itself that God exists. God is good full of grace and mercy toward all He has created. God is holy and man is sinful, that is plain to see. We are in need of a savior. That is why God sent His son Jesus Christ to die in our place. God is holy and just, and a payment had to be made for our sin, and it was made through Jesus Christ. If you will repent of your sins and turn to Jesus by faith and trust Him you will be made right with God. You will be given a new life in Christ. As Christians we are forgiven but we are still human and we still sin. As a follower of Jesus we should read his word and live by it. It takes faith to believe, the world tells us that if you can not see something then it is not real however Christ is real and I know that He has changed my life for the best. So yes there is a God.

2007-03-18 10:05:48 · answer #7 · answered by Kat 2 · 1 1

Yes there is a God. Where else did everything come from (including the laws of physics)?

2007-03-18 09:33:19 · answer #8 · answered by attacksheep74 2 · 2 1

Personally, I feel that God is who we choose him/her to be. I can respest anyone's idea on their beliefs.

One thing I do not believe in is judging someone on who or what they believe. As a child, I was taught to believe in Christ. I do believe that there is something/ someone bigger than we are. Now what that is, is simply up to the individual person to decide. It is also a fact that people create contradictionsto their own beliefs. One is the "Judge not, or Ye shall be judged first". But some are so quick to judge others based on small ideas about that person. They seem to find that justifiable because that person does not believe in what they believe in.

Plain and simple, faith can be defined as anyone or anything bigger than we are that gives us reason to be who we are.

2007-03-18 09:18:23 · answer #9 · answered by alan w 2 · 0 2

If belief in Giod goies against the law of physics why are so many top physicists and other scientists Christians?
Your reasoning is totally unscientific. But, obviously you are
happy to parrot the view of those who are not scientist either.
By all means argue your case but please do so cogently and rationally

2007-03-18 10:45:07 · answer #10 · answered by alan h 1 · 0 1

This gets asked on here once or twice a week !

Yeah, like someone on Yahoo Answers is going to settle the matter once and for all ! LOL !

2007-03-18 09:11:17 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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