Do you have family or friends that can give you support?
Keep a food journal... then seek out a nutritionist...local health department may be able to assist...Cut back on the high glucose items and check for diabetes by your doctor.
Ask your doctor for a referral to a nutritionist.
Another way to do it is to seek out nutrisystem... It can be pricey but if you follow the program and exercise you could do it.
Try t-tapp exercises as well as they have little impact and you can dso them at home... videos and books available at
What ever you do just keep in mind that you weill have to work hard and being consistant with your plan... keep that food journal and perhaps another to track your progress, write what works and what you struggle with.
Good Luck!
2007-03-18 08:22:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
ok you might want to consider the portions of your meals eaten in and outside the home. Staying away from fast food like McDonalds and if you do eat fast food incorporate a salad with a small amount of dressing and anything fried should be limited as well and if you are around 400 pounds try to lose as much naturally before you consider medical intervention like gastric bypass(not recommended) or lap band(recommended since you can have that removed without the surgical alteration of your digestive system). I would do a lot of research on any weight loss surgery procedures and consult with a board certified surgeon to get any questions answered. I would strongly suggest the lap band since the recovery time is shorter and you will lose weight fairly fast without too many complications the way gastric procedures seem to have and you can get it removed when you train yourself to eat right and commit yourself to a proper exercise regimen. If you do that you'll drop the weight and eliminate disorders that comes with excessive weight.
2007-03-18 15:26:35
answer #2
answered by nabdullah2001 5
Ok you know the reason you are over weight so only YOU can do something about it. Obviously you are taking in more food than you are burning calories. Change your eating habits and what you eat. Snack on Carrots and Apples and leave the Sugars and Chips alone. Also drinking Diet drinks will help you Lose weight fast. They taste Yukky at First but after awhile you will adjust.
2007-03-18 15:19:07
answer #3
answered by donna_honeycutt47 6
Exercise everyday like jogging around the block
Skip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per day
Dont eat until you're full
Eat fruits at night if your hungry.
Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.
There are more tips and info.
there's a video on success fitness too
2007-03-18 20:29:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Join the website It's a great all around weight loss website. They offer a variety of exercise ideas; healthy eating ideas and they have a great support system. You can make posts on line or search for work out partners in your area. Best of all it's totally free.
2007-03-18 15:23:34
answer #5
answered by SunnyMoon 5
Try exchanging your night time snack for something more healthy like a dannon fit and light yogart or try some raw carrots or have a piece of fruit.
Good Luck
2007-03-18 15:22:43
answer #6
answered by Jen 4
dont eat before bed, and o on the weight watchers diet. it works so well
2007-03-18 15:20:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
try this:
LIVING THE GI DIET, by Rick Gallop.
2007-03-18 15:17:36
answer #8
answered by Caramel 2