What they don't like to tell you is that many years ago, the different church governments got together to decide what books/verses to put into the bible (there were many, many other books/scrolls that did not get in). The catholic leaders just decided to put some extra things in.
2007-03-18 09:08:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A long and turbulent history. The current Protestant Bible consists of 39 OT and 27 NT books, while the Catholic Bible consists of 46 OT (plus a longer Daniel) and the 27 NT books. These 46 OT were ratified at no less than FIVE councils (Hippo in 393, Carthage in 397, Nicea in 787, then Florence in 1442 and Trent in 1546). The reason for the ratification were that there were a number of apocryphal texts that had floated around and re-surfaced every so often.
So the question becomes, who took these books out? It wasn't Luther, as can be reflected in the KJV of 1611 (all 46 OT books are there). Although it should be mentioned that Luther did not like Hebrews, James, Jude or Revelation. It was he who also felt that the seven deuterocanonical books were "inferior" to the rest of Scripture, thus began the practice of placing them in a separate category from the OT and NT.
Then came the Brits. The British Foreign Bible Society took these "extra verses" out in 1825, completing the fissure Luther first noted two and a half centuries before.
It's not what we added; it's what they took away, that makes the difference.
2007-03-19 16:14:18
answer #2
answered by Veritatum17 6
The Catholic Bible has a few extra books and chapters but I have not heard of extra verses.
The New Testament canon of the Catholic Bible and the Protestant Bible are the same with 27 Books.
The difference in the Old Testaments actually goes back to the time before and during Christ’s life. At this time, there was no official Jewish canon of scripture.
The Jews in Egypt translated their choices of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek in the second century before Christ. This translation of 46 books, called the Septuagint, had wide use in the Roman world because most Jews lived far from Palestine in Greek cities. Many of these Jews spoke only Greek.
The early Christian Church was born into this world. The Church, with its bilingual Jews and more and more Greek-speaking Gentiles, used the books of the Septuagint as its Bible. Remember the early Christians were just writing the documents what would become the New Testament.
After the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, with increasing persecution from the Romans and competition from the fledgling Christian Church, the Jewish leaders came together and declared its official canon of Scripture, eliminating seven books from the Septuagint.
The books removed were Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom (of Solomon), Sirach, and Baruch. Parts of existing books were also removed including Psalm 151 (from Psalms), parts of the Book of Esther, Susanna (from Daniel as chapter 13), and Bel and the Dragon (from Daniel as chapter 14).
The Christian Church did not follow suit but kept all the books in the Septuagint. 46 + 27 = 73 Books total.
1500 years later, Protestants decided to keep the Catholic New Testament but change its Old Testament from the Catholic canon to the Jewish canon. The books they dropped are sometimes called the Apocrypha.
Here is a Catholic Bible website: http://www.nccbuscc.org/nab/bible/
With love in Christ.
2007-03-18 23:37:31
answer #3
answered by imacatholic2 7
There are no "extra verses" in the Catholic Bible. The Catholic Church recognizes the OT canon that existed at the time of Christ. Martin Luther removed books.
2007-03-18 16:29:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous