It's very hard to spend any time at all in this forum and not find yourself in automatic defense mode. Everyone is so used to being attacked and insulted that even the simplest question can set off a war of words.
I don't know what your question was, but the odds are good that it was inadvertantly worded in a way that triggered aggression. Certain catch phrases tend to get people upset and then they go on the attack.
I'm sorry that you got caught up in the paranoia that tends to characterize this forum at times. It's not fair and it's not right, but when you're dealing with a sensitive issue like one's faith, it's apparently inevitable.
I just looked at your Profile:
"There is nothing in this life that can't be solved with a hot cup of tea and a sawed off shot gun."
If that isn't the absolute truth in one sentence, I don't know what is. Thanks for a good giggle!
2007-03-18 07:43:57
answer #1
answered by Wolfeblayde 7
I've abandoned the category. It's wackoland. I'm only stepping foot here at the moment because it's you. I'm impervious to down-thumbs anyway.
Among others, it is home to people who have made anti-religion their religion, those who love to misquote the Bible or twist it for any sized audience, garden variety zealots, and true descendants of the perpetrators of the Spanish Inquisition.
And then when you learn how to phrase your question in a truly detailed, informed, and intellectual manner with all the right disclaimers and caveats, the denizens are just dumbfounded.
2007-03-18 12:44:51
answer #2
answered by Benji 5
Because people can't discuss reliogion without beating each other's brains out. This is why there will never be peace in the Middle East or Anywhere else for that matter. Remember, at this time of year, we commemorate the fact that we Crucified Jesus, who's main message was, "Let's stop all this fighting, and try to get along." This is pretty simplified, but if we kill someone for preaching that,is there really any hope?
2007-03-18 07:27:42
answer #3
answered by Sherlock 3
Because most often the question involves someone saying, something to the effect of why are all non-Christians (or Christians or non-Muslims, or Muslims) idiotic, wrong, sinful, evil, wicked, etc. for the following reasons. Or something about how the person and his answer are so right, and everyone else in the world with a different answer is wrong.
Those kind of "questions" (really just statements of belief) tend to spark some controversy.
2007-03-18 07:24:01
answer #4
answered by Underground Man 6
It's because there are some people who don't know how to go about asking a question without insulting somebody. Then there's the fact as well that some people misread or don't bother to pay attention or don't fully understand the question that is being asked to begin with and start going on the attack. Peace!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-03-18 07:29:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's really quite simple. If a person does not know God then they live in insanity, for that is the state of consciousness of the world. With that said what more do you expect from insane people? For those that know God the only thing you can do is to forgive them and continue to be Christ like and walk in his ways and not the ways of the world!
Larry T
2007-03-18 08:02:39
answer #6
answered by Larry T 3
I believe there are certain key words that automatically put some people in the "attack" mode. I answer a lot of questions but never in a rude or judgmental way. As far as I am concerned there is no wrong religion (or non-religion) and if I can provide some insight or help I will answer. I will, however, respond to negative answers in my answer if I feel there is a need for it.
I think that if you can't provide a real answer to a question please keep your opinions to yourself, no one is interested in converting just because someone has decided to defame and condemn them. It makes the answerer look like a jackass.
2007-03-18 07:23:25
answer #7
answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6
Well, it's natural for people to be defensive about their beliefs. Maybe they don't have a sense of humor about them. How would you feel if your moral value system could be disproved with logic and common sense? : )
PS - if your head is bloody *prior* to being ripped off, you have bigger problems.
2007-03-18 09:12:49
answer #8
answered by truthyness 7
What's a simple question. I recall someone here asking about Calvan. I don't recall anyone ripping his head off.
2007-03-18 07:24:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Peoples' beliefs are very precious to them.Questioning anything they consider truth is like questioning thier very existence. This makes the monkeys angry, and they start screaming and flinging poo at everyone. Good luck finding understanding and compassionate humans. They're very rare, and most have been poached almost to extinction.
2007-03-18 07:24:03
answer #10
answered by slinkyfaery 2