Arnon is right - the description of Jesus' birth is vague enough to put it anywhere in the fall (or, as Constantine's folks decided, right next to a pagan holiday to show that Christians are hip, too). Christ's crucifixion and resurrection are placed on the calendar near passover so Easter must coincide with the passover season.
2007-03-18 06:33:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well, Passover was based on the Old Caldendar. The Lunar caldendar, which is no longer used.
So with the Solar Calendar we progress old Lunar Caldendar dates.
Jewish tradition is based on Passover on the Lunar Calendar which now changes each year.
Jesus was cricisfied on the day of the start or Passover
Thus EASTER which Constantine's people declared must always come on Sunday, always follows the calendar of Passover.
The Last Supper
And Ressurection ARE actually firm dates
We are not, however sure, what they are.
I have several dates that are possible
Thursday April 13 (24 AD) Born 9 BC
Thursday April 10 (27 AD) Born 6 BC
Thursday April 6 (30 AD) Born 3 BC
Thursday March 21 (37 AD) Born 4 AD
Issac Netwon placed the Crusification date at April 3
I don't think he got it right.
The CRUSIFICTION must occur on Thursday so that Jesus ressurected on Sunday, which the Bible indicates he did.
Thus the Last Supper WAS a Wednesday night.
The above dates are the only dates in the JEwish caldendar of Passover that qualify.
The BIRTH DATE of Jesus is unclear.
Experts say it is off by as much as 6 or even 9 years
Hence 3-9 BC or 3-9 AD
My dates are the mostly likely for a WEDNESDAY Last Supper a THURSDAY passover and a Friday sabbath, that gives way to a Sunday Ressurection.
The Catholics based their religion around the Sunday ressurection
Thus the Jewish SABBATH starts Friday at Sundown and lasts until Saturday at Sundown
Christiand go from Midnight to Midnight, based on the CATHOLIC view
This Friday at 12:01 AM starts Good Friday which is 3 days before Sunday, EAsTER sunday
The Jews would start it on Thursday night ending it on Friday night at SUNSET
This Calendar thing has evernone confused, thus the Greek and Russian orthodox have a different day for Easter than do the Italians (ROMAN) Catholics.
The ACTUAL day of last supper, cruisifiction and ressurection are FIXED DATES but they don't always leave the RESSURECTION on Sunday, only every few years does that occur.
Constantin'es people wanted SUNDAY to be the Holy day.
2007-03-18 14:03:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The early church chose to do so mainly to keep it in accordance with sun worship which is what Sunday was intended for. Sun worship was a ritual kept and instituted by Constantine.
Constantine liked christianity, but refused to give up his pagan ways and mixed the two beliefs when he could.
He didn't get baptized until he was on his deathbed.
Christ was slain Nisan 14 on the jewish calendar, which falls on a Monday this year.
2007-03-18 13:34:13
answer #3
answered by rangedog 7
The date of Easter is related to the Jewish calender which uses the lunar month and every 4 years has a leap month. this means that Easter advances until the leap year when it moves back. The festival that it is related to is the Jewish Passover.
2007-03-18 13:32:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Actually it changes because Jesus was crucified at the time of the Jewish Passover and due to the differences in the Jewish Sacred Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar it changes from March and April each year.
2007-03-18 13:41:23
answer #5
answered by drg5609 6
Easter is placed to coincide with Passover which is also a moving feast day. It is determined by a phase of the moon after the vernal equinox. or something like that. Again it is not the exact date or day. It is the day chosen to celebrate the event...or berate it depending on your frame of mind.
2007-03-18 13:29:36
answer #6
answered by Arnon 6
our days are not exact as when christ had risen but it is a symbol of what he did he gave his life for you so you would go to heaven, how many people have died a horrible death for you just for you so you could go somewhere real loveley, and not to a bad place. Hell is so bad that not even the demons wanted to go back their they asked Jesus to send them into the pigs when they came out of the demonic man. I f you got hit by a truck or something tommorrow would you seriously want to go their surely not, so turn to God he will give you your heart desire beloved.
2007-03-18 13:58:54
answer #7
answered by denny 2
It is based on the moon phases, after a certain equinox or something like that, its the following Sunday.
Its like Christmas, Jesus wasnt born in December, its just a day of celebration in the memory of that day.
2007-03-18 13:33:30
answer #8
answered by Occult NZ 3
because in the Bible, we only know that Jeus was killed on a cross on a Friday, and that he rose three days later, a Sunday. They were never very good with actual dates in the Bible. The date changes for the same reason as Thanksgiving changes.
2007-03-18 13:30:47
answer #9
answered by Sarah Brown 2
man made the calender maybe we are the ones that are not understanding the exact day,Christ was ressurected on the same day every year
2007-03-18 13:39:18
answer #10
answered by loveChrist 6