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I have a recipe that asks for 2 tablespoons of liquid pectin. I can only get granulated gelatin.
Does anyone know how much gelatin i need to use to subsitute the pectin?

2007-03-18 02:47:55 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

2 answers

Pectin and gelatin are two very different things. I'm not sure if you can substitute one for the other. Pectin comes from fruit while gelatin is an animal by product.

2007-03-18 02:58:03 · answer #1 · answered by margarita 7 · 0 0


They are quite different. Pectin is a fruit derivative, usually used at home in preserving fruit. Gelatin, on the other hand, is made from the hooves of cattle and is used for jelling fruit juices, making jelled desserts like Bavarian creams and cream pies with fruit and whipped cream and possibly a pastry cream included in the mix ...

Pectin is not absolutely necessary for making jam if that is what you are making. You can check for different techniques online. The French make really good jams (because they have figured out how to cook it the shortest length of time before the fruit becomes overcooked) and they do not use pectin. The address of a very nice site is:
frenchfood.about.com ........ in the search space on the page that comes up, type in 'jam' and you will find some recipes ...



2007-03-18 03:16:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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