It was a small secluded rock edge where me and my ex used to go watch the boats late at night... Still sends shivers down my spine...
2007-03-24 13:07:24
answer #1
answered by MICHY06 3
To be honest, this is an existentialist question. The most perfect place on earth should be what you create and feel satisfied with.
In other hand, perfect is linked to perfection,and where there is perfection there is absolute achievement.It is superlatively above every type of achievement.
From certain angle ,if we think about interdependence, every thing is related on earth,...ugly/beautiful; rich/poor;high/low...
from these paradigms, I come to a very quick conclusion that there is no perfect place on earth.It should be immaculate,without any antagonistic spoiling perfection from the other side...and grammatically the " most" perfect can't be either.Thank you for this question.
2007-03-25 13:09:04
answer #2
answered by rino j 1
I have traveled somewhat extensively, and, of the places that I have visited, I was most entranced by the Hawaiian Islands and Venice, Italy. In Hawaii, although it would be incredibly expensive as a residence and is now quite developed, there are still some isolated spots that are edenesque; if you could find a home on a high point, you might have a glorious view of the ocean and mountains. The climate is ideal with warm temperatures throughout the year and mild trade winds preventing oppressive heat. And there are gorgeous flowers blooming everywhere...
Venice, of course, has a uniqueness and romance unlike anywhere else in the world, with its canals and beautiful historic buildings. It is truly an enchanting city and also mysterious and magical in its antiquity...
2007-03-17 16:03:21
answer #3
answered by Lynci 7
The most perfect place on earth is the place that you make it out to be in your heart. One must be satisfied in their own heart to make a perfect place.
2007-03-25 11:51:12
answer #4
answered by reddie 3
Yuor question has in person-friendly words one position that the answer can come from and that is from you. You and also you on my own, except your fortunate and performance a acceptable spouse can verify were you're to stay. They position could convey you excitement and happness and fullfillment, Aplace that you are able to be prepared to wrestle and die for to shop it the way it really is. an section that you'll stay out all of your targets and needs. i wish this facilitates
2016-11-26 19:50:05
answer #5
answered by villalobas 4
Co. Mayo, Ireland coastline. World's best kept secret! Most travel info does not mention this hauntingly beautiful area. It is less travelled than most tourist destinations, probably because of it's low profile and road less travelled history. Laid back, rugged, peaceful, beautiful, off the beaten path, it is worth a try!
2007-03-17 17:13:09
answer #6
answered by Mary J 1
The French Caribbean Departemente of Martinique, it's top.
2007-03-23 20:20:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Martinique Island in the Caribbean.
Because it beautiful, friendly, warm, by the sea. Excellent food and help. And it is French.
2007-03-19 12:27:17
answer #8
answered by Nicolette 6
Cache Valley UT, the most beautiful mountains, rivers, lakes and the people are the friendliest
2007-03-17 15:56:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
At Lymmvale fishing on a nice summers day. Peaceful, quiet and relaxing.
2007-03-17 16:52:46
answer #10
answered by ANON 4