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Ok this is just a question to see what you say, say the angel of death(no i do not believe there is one) came to and told you were gonna die and you cold only do five things before you did what would you choose??

I would :

1. go to a mcr concert
2. meet mcr
3. get a tattoo
4. i would be so over welmed with the first three i would go to sleep... lol
5. write letters to all my family and friends to say goodbye!

2007-03-17 13:31:24 · 21 answers · asked by brianna<3 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

21 answers

hahha i wanna meet mcr too!! but i'd do others before i die :)
1) help kids around the world with out famlies who need help etc.
2) find my love :) get married & have kids
3) become a teacher uh.... if i have more time :)
4) tell my friends & famalies bye
5) try to find out ways to stop global warming for the next generations so they can live a better life with out worring about the world exploding
:) there's other things i would love to do, but these are my 5 :)

2007-03-17 13:36:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would choose:

1. Confess to the people that I truly have feelings for and tell them that I love them dearly...

2. Go to France and meet my cousins.

3. Write letters, like you said, but they will contain the words: "I will be with you forever and always. Remember me and I will remember you."

4. I would want to find an unknown planet and claim it as my own.

5. I would want to take away all evil in the world. =D

2007-03-17 13:40:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I saw Mcr and AFI and TBS

but I want to go to a concert in every state and country...you know like all over the world basically

uhhh meet Davey and all of AFI

Get tatoos with AFi Lyrics...i'll Davey Tatoo me

Meet all my other fave bands

Surf all over the world

Travel every where i can.....and go to a soccer game in Europe

meet all my fave soccer players

2007-03-17 13:37:33 · answer #3 · answered by ♫poison ♥s will never change♫ 5 · 1 0

1. find Josh Holloway
2. Kiss Josh Holloway
3. get a tattoo of Josh Holloway
4. kiss him some more
5. write the same letters to friends

2007-03-17 13:36:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

OMG you basically study my options!!! I swear- those are 2 of the flaws on my "to do" list earlier I die- sky dive and own a BMW! Thats so strange. I also want to commute round Europe and visit each baseball stadium and state in the county (because i'm so close)

2016-12-02 03:53:57 · answer #5 · answered by breit 4 · 0 0

1. Get married & have kids.
2. Model.
3. Make a ton of friends.
4. Spray a fire extinguisher.. life dream right there.

♥ Clare.

2007-03-17 13:34:22 · answer #6 · answered by Couture Clare 2 · 1 0

1. hang out with my family and friends
2. nap all day with my cat
3. play video games
4. eat some ribs
5. tell the angel of death I need a 75-year period to write an autobiography

2007-03-17 13:40:19 · answer #7 · answered by HobbesMom 6 · 0 0

I have a terminal illness;
all ready made my to do list

1)Go up in a hot air balloon
2)Ride with the storm chasers
3)Go tobaggoning
4)Go tubing down a snow slide
5)Go the Ocean one more time (I am this early summer)
6)Have 'whoopie' one more time(no immediate plans yet! lol)
7)Go to nursing homes and talk with the ill, elderly patients help them write letters, read to them etc. (coming soon)
8)LOVE MY FAMILY TO PIECES.....in progress

forgot one...9) do my standup comedienne act at a club downtown...

2007-03-17 13:37:09 · answer #8 · answered by missellie 7 · 2 0

1. go shopping (use credit card) - buy lots of stuff for all my favorite people
2. have dinner with my family at the most expensive resto (use credit card)
3. go to the beauty parlor - all the works! (gotta look good when people look at me in that coffin) - use credit card
4. e-mail everyone in my address book - say goodbye
5. spend some quiet moments in church

2007-03-17 13:44:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1.grab a fun cute loving guy
2.go dancing (lambada style)
3.hang out with family and friends.
4.go to Ireland
5.buy house in tuscany and spend lazy days with husband and kids....

2007-03-17 13:40:13 · answer #10 · answered by jossieray 5 · 0 0

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