Yes......... Most of them.
2007-03-17 11:40:40
answer #1
answered by venom! 6
If you are born into the right family, and have the right connections, yes it is possible.
Paris Hilton is another good example. Anna Nicole would be a good example of someone who got by on looks.
Im from a poor immigrant family though, so I dont have the same connections as these people. It would be hard even for me to infiltrate the good ole boys club. They keep their doors pretty sealed. There is also racism amongst white people that isnt discussed much. Were talking about a very small group of wealthy people though. Most white people do have to work.
2007-03-17 11:39:42
answer #2
answered by ☺☻☺☻☺☻ 6
One of the reasons this country is in such a mess, such an uproar, people who becoming increasingly angry. Is because Obama just expects us to bow to his feet and accept everything he does. We're not. And that is making him angry and bringing out his pettiness. Obama was treated like a king during his run for President. He was vetted and complimented so many times, I wondered if he would be able to fit through the door before his head exploded. Now the reality has set in. Playing President is hard work. Politics is nice, but there's people to deal with, whom those politics affect. The health care bill, the stimulus package, the coming cap and trade, and all the stuff we don't know about, are not about putting America back to work, not about protecting the environment, not about lowering healthcare costs, and not about creating jobs and stimulating the economy. Obama is in this to pay back his backers, and he's in power to use our money we pay in taxes to do it. Then Obama plans to do whatever it takes to wreck this country so that whoever follows him, will have to spend time fixing all the problems Obama created. But who knows, maybe Obama has paved the way for ever worse conditions placed on us. There may come a day when we wish for Obama, like many are wishing for the days of the Bush years. Like when unemployment was at like 8 percent, instead of 50 percent after Obama leaves.
2016-03-29 03:29:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think the part about blacks being twice as good is an understatement. We need to be a couple times more better.
As for whites, it depends on who they know. If that were the case, there would be no poor whites. I know some whites who have poor education but get great jobs because they know people. Then there are others who only can get a job at Mc Donald's or a job not much better and have to struggle.
2007-03-17 17:30:05
answer #4
answered by lil_snipe 3
That saying isn't true at all. If anything they only have to be half as good as white people to be thought of as an equal. Businesses fill qoatas these days with blacks needing lower tests scores, theres black college funds, and so forth. As for the President, you know what they say, "its not what you know, but who you know."
2007-03-17 16:36:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
wow the first four or five guys who answered this question are so threatened by other cultures they have to insult them. anyhow, as a white female, i understand why you are asking the question. i do think that many people have unfair advantages in life (aka George Bush) - but if you think about it, you could say the same thing about beautiful people - someone who is gorgeous - whether white, black, asian, hispanic, etc - could get by in life by being just average or even being below average (look at jessica simpson). i'm assuming you mean intelligence when you say average. you are right in assuming that we are not a country of equal opportunity, but it isn't a disadvantage for only blacks. depending on the situation, life is tough for women, gays, blacks, the elderly, foreigners, etc - i think you get the idea.
ps - not to take anything away from the people in this world who do have exceptional skill and talent and who have worked hard for what they have!!!
2007-03-17 11:41:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No, it's rich people that can go through life clueless. I'm white and I've had to have a clue. And the NBA dispells the twice as good theory of yours.
2007-03-17 11:37:15
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You are right, George bush got where he did because of his father helped him in every time he didn't want to do something. I think for anyone to succeed they need to be twice as good as anybody else, no matter thier race.
2007-03-17 11:44:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Tis' never wise to generalize. There are many groups which are discriminated against & not all are different colored. Bush is not your best example either as he is below average. He got where he is mostly because of nepotism.
2007-03-17 11:39:21
answer #9
answered by Straw Hat Samurai 2.0 3
Not true at all. Every member of the human race, regardless of color, has their own in-born level of energy and competence. Some people are happy with little, others have a drive to 'Have it all'. So, it's very individual. Family dynamics have alot to do with it too. God gave it to us's called Free Will!
2007-03-17 11:37:05
answer #10
answered by Carrie C 3
Considering that you hide behind a black face, you must hate you own image. You and Cris Rock are wrong. I'm sure your women would want you to be him for two hours a night.
2007-03-18 04:07:57
answer #11
answered by Anonymous