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2007-03-17 11:21:03 · 17 answers · asked by hockeyfreak#18 2 in Sports Hockey

17 answers

You're kidding right???

There is no way Luongo is the best goalie of all time!!

Better than Jacques Plante, Terry Sawchuk, Glenn Hall, Patrick Roy, Martin Brodeur, Tony Esposito?

I could keep on naming A LOT of goalies from the past and present that are better than Luongo.

Luongo is good. He is the reason the Cannucks are doing as well as they are this season but there is no way he is best of all time.

2007-03-17 11:44:57 · answer #1 · answered by lidstromnumber1fan 5 · 4 0

No, he is probably the most overated goalie in the NHL of all time. He has played spotty the last several games. He has to work on his rebounds and he is weak on the wrap around. Luongo sucess is largely because of the excellent defense of the Canucks. He did not play well on the Allstar game without his usual defence in front of him. Luongo has only three shutouts this year and hasn't even played in a playoff series yet. Hardly the best.

2007-03-17 19:02:01 · answer #2 · answered by Rockford 7 · 2 1

no... Luongo is great but he is not even top 3 in this era or HOF worthy... yet. What makes him the best all-time..? We'll have to wait another 10 years before we can answer that question...

RE slowride_76:
not everyone that comes on yahoo answers has English as their first language...
look at the bottom of this page and you'll see all the Yahoo Answers International links (and most of them interlink)...
besides this is the internet and nobody cares about grammer..
How do you know the asker is not a 10 year boy learning to use the internet?
stop being a bully...

2007-03-21 17:12:21 · answer #3 · answered by USA - U Suck Azhole 2 · 0 0

He is great, and could have been on his way to the very top of the list. Now he spent 5-6 years in florida which ruined his chances at being the best ever. Roy will always hold that mark. Brouder(spl) is a very close second with Luongo potentialy falling in the top 5.

2007-03-19 00:21:06 · answer #4 · answered by andrew w 3 · 1 0

Luongo isn't even the best goalie currently in the NHL. He isn't even the best goalie this season.

He's one of the top 3 goaltenders currently in the NHL, but the best goalie of all time as it currently stands is Terry Sawchuk and his NHL record 102 shutouts.

That will likely change in the coming years as Martin Broduer is coming close to breaking that record. By the end of his career we will all say Martin Broduer is the best goalie of all time.

2007-03-17 19:38:52 · answer #5 · answered by djnonplus 2 · 4 0

Terry Sawchuk
Martin Brodeur
Patrick Roy
Eddie Giacomin
Dominick Hasek
Jacques Plante
Glenn Hall
Lester Patrick
Ken Dryden
All of these greats, and your telling me Luongo is the best of all time? Nuh-uh
Some other notables: Ron Hextall, Olaf Kolzig, Claude Rayner, and Harry Lumley.

2007-03-17 21:40:37 · answer #6 · answered by Detfan 3 · 3 0

No luongo isn't the best goalie. If u check nhl.com and you go to stats you would see that he is not at the top 2 for most of the sections ( save %, Goal on avg). In the mordern nhl Martin Brodeur is the best now.
But Patrick roy was the best goalie all time, he had one time in his career 5 shutouts in 10 games! Also Click on my youtube link which brings you to a video clip of highlight saves of patrick roy.

2007-03-17 19:31:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

While I agree he is a great goalie now, he hasn't even had enough of a career to measure against the all-time greats.

I don't even think that he could match the careers of Brodeur or Hasek who are sure fire Hall of Famers. ask again in 7-10 years.

2007-03-17 18:54:29 · answer #8 · answered by FredRoseville 1 · 5 0

Ask again in about 12 years. In the meantime he is an outstanding goalie.

2007-03-17 18:57:43 · answer #9 · answered by Pooky Bear the Sensitive 5 · 4 0

1. No.
2. "is luongo the best goalie of all time." is missing a question mark.
3. "i think he is.?" is NOT a question despite the question mark... unless you're questioning your own thoughts.
4. Please use proper grammar and spelling if you wish to be taken seriously.
5. Yes, I know I'm annoying.

2007-03-17 18:30:18 · answer #10 · answered by SilentJay76 3 · 3 2

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