I believe that if you have an excess of a commodity, and your "neighbor" is in need. Then to share is the right thing to do. But, the U.S. has put itself in the position of not having an excess of any commodities, and therefore should turn our attention to ourselves to help make our citizens healthier and happier and more productive. When we create an excess, then we can begin sharing again, to teach others to create for themselves.
2007-03-17 10:58:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't have a problem with groups like the Red Cross trying to help people and give them food. The US government needs to back off on foreign policy. Just my opinion, yes we do need to take better care here and not try to help in so many situations. It is breeding hate against us.
2007-03-17 18:04:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am an American. It's not a hard word to spell. Knowledgeable, capable Americans give support wherever it is needed. We good Americans donate much to the peoples of the world. We don't force anyone to accept our kindness and generosity.
Americans help millions of people in the US. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security are all funded by tax dollars. If you know of an American in need, help him out. Do the good American deed.
2007-03-17 17:45:43
answer #3
answered by regerugged 7
I think too many of those people are ingrates who say nothing good about America yet want us to send food and money and anything else they need in times of trouble simply because no other country does it. I'm tired of the criticism! It's not their business what we do or don't do. Perhaps if we stop our aide, they will be right in their criticism then.
2007-03-17 17:43:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think we should continue sending aid to other countries, but we have to develop a respect for their values, tradtions, and cultures. As well as their health. Remember, helping the Iraqi people was one excuse to go to war and kill thousands of them. We must ask before we sent aid who we are really aiding. Most government decisions are calculated to improve popularity, and not to accually benefit the public.
2007-03-17 17:42:52
answer #5
answered by Kirstin 3
Look after this country first Screw the rest of the world.
2007-03-17 17:45:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sending food to starving countries is fine...invading other countries and enforcing an American way of life on them...NOT fine.
2007-03-17 17:41:24
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I agree that our own people should be our highest priorty.
And if we collectively decide to help others, that's good charity.
But we should only do it where it is actually requested.
2007-03-17 18:09:06
answer #8
answered by coragryph 7
We AMERICANS are fighting for the freedoms of every man or woman affected by terrorism (u.s., spain, britain, yemen, afghanistan, and iraq).
People are requesting our help, we are not MADE to help people.
2007-03-17 17:48:43
answer #9
answered by infobrokernate 6
I for one am tired of on one hand other countries slam us for our policies, but with the other hand take millions of aid. Let's take of our own for a while and you'll see a quite different attitude.
2007-03-17 17:41:25
answer #10
answered by Anonymous