No, emotions and insanity do not go hand in hand. It's OK to rant now and then and we'll all still be here for ya!
Good luck
PS: Do wear a condom, OK?
2007-03-17 10:36:38
answer #1
answered by Croa 6
"Our two minds .... One is an act of the emotional
mind, the other of the rational mind. In a very real
sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that
feels" (Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence,
Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 1996, page 8). This
rational mind is also called the faculty of logic and
reason. However, logic has its limitation:
In the 1930s, Austrian mathematician Godel proved a
theorem which became the "Godel theorem" in cognition
theory. It states that any formalized 'logical' system
in principle cannot be complete in itself. It means
that a statement can always be found that can be
neither disproved nor proved using the means of that
particular system. To discuss about such a statement,
one must go beyond that very logic system; otherwise
nothing but a vicious circle will result. Psychologist
say that any experience is contingent - it's opposite
is logically possible and hence should not be treated
as contradictory.
In Upanishads, Chitta is the component connected with
intuition and emotion. Modern psychologists say that
passions have the same limitations of senses as they
tend toward immediate emotional discharge. Chitta is
the quick acting component of the mind which can be
termed as leftist or negative thinking part. It is
called negative because some psychologists felt that it
separates the received information into pieces,
contains unintentional and contradictory ideas, and
lacks internal organisation, inner consistency, and
concrete solutions. On the contrary, some philosophers
thought that this is the 'idealistic view' of thinking
about a problem. Chitta is connected with instincts,
urges, impulses, desires, imagination, sentiments,
passions, caring, pleasure, exploration, unconventional
ideas, moods, insight, superstitions, immodesty,
analysis of details, concern about particular features,
capacity to find novel relationships, unrestrained
expressions connected with body or mind, molding of
past experiences into new constellations of meanings,
creation of artistic, poetic and musical works and the
like. Seeing a good work of painting or listening to
music of one's liking will set waves of emotion in
Chitta. It helps us to imagine things in new ways. It
is known that lighter side of life like fun may contain
silly and ridiculous situations. An artist is said to
go to the extremes to divorce himself from
environmental constraints.
The Upanishads say that these two are opposite in
nature. Modern psychologist also have observed it, but
they are not very sure about it:
"At the same time, reason sometimes clearly seems to
come into conflict with some desires (even while not
being in conflict with others) giving us the impression
that reason is separate from emotion".
2007-03-18 01:17:56
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I will be honest.. I read the first paragraph or two and thought... "ok that's all I need to know." In here you find people often just want quick answers and questions. LOL I should talk when I post novels. However, there is nothing at all wrong with being carried away by words. It is the most wonderful way to define our emotions and deal with them... writing is so very theraputic..
What you learn here is to cut it down, parse it a bit. I find that hard because I like to paint a thorough picture from as many angles as possible... LOL... so you see I do understand! Well, sort of.
What is also important is you are connecting with your emotions. Men have been made marginal citizens on the planet lately and this is bad. We need to get men back into some place of solidity in the world. I believe this means reminding them of the importance of family and responsibilities, to reclaim their place in America again. But men must remember this newfound skill of keeping in touch with their emotions. YOU are doing just great!
2007-03-17 11:18:58
answer #3
answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6
Didn't read the whole thing Shakespeare, but it seems that you were thinking out loud while typing it.
As to the issue, a f**k buddy is just that. As long as both people recognize it for what it is, there is no problem. If an attachment forms, as is often the case, there will be problems when it comes time to separate.
Good luck.
2007-03-17 10:50:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i'm more beneficial of a quiet individual to be honest. Mars elements: solar Conjunction Mars Moon Trine Mars Mars Conjunction Pluto Scorpio solar Pisces Moon Aquarius increasing Libra Venus Scorpio Mars in eighth homestead
2016-12-02 03:47:19
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Clarity is power. What we manifest in our minds most of the time, it becomes our reality. With that being said, I see that we do indeed chose our response to what happens to us. Our mind holds one thought at a time, and I would suggest making it a positive and empowering one!!
As much of our life deals with events that cause us to question things, I do applaud you in expressing what's on your mind via writing. I do feel that is a step in a right direction. If you are feeling that you might be 'losing your mind', please look to see what you can learn from this experience that is causing you (potentially) sleepless nights.
I am not a specialist, but I do believe that the answer to most of our ills in our mind lie within us.
Best of luck in your search for clarity and guidance.
2007-03-17 10:51:08
answer #6
answered by rc 5
It's ok, sometimes you just have to get it out.
2007-03-17 10:59:44
answer #7
answered by 2
2007-03-17 10:40:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous