these idiots have made me very, very angry!
2007-03-17 10:34:15
answer #1
answered by patriot07 5
Because of political correctness, I was given a lower registration priority in college and denied a job. I have been called a sexist because I told a dirty joke, and a racist because I told an ethnic joke. I have been called a bigot and a xenophobe because I feel everyone should be treated equally, rather than giving any special consideration to any specific group. I have been called cold because I have told people they should take responsibility for their own actions. I don't believe in PMS (poor me syndrome). Some things are your fault. Don't always blame it on outside factors.
Is my response what you were looking for?
2007-03-17 17:43:05
answer #2
answered by Who Am I 4
Well at first I was going to answer no Influence.
But the muslim world,, who were nothing,, till 9/11.
has been an Albatross in my life..the last 5 years,. At first considering them to be just radical slime then becoming aware of their world wide sickness,, and the general followers who are too coward to stop their genocide and murdering hate. It is a muslim issue of shame.
"when your fanny is in the air and nose on the ground what does that say about your smarts?"
god love you standing up > I think - - hope if it is not too late. Sad days for our American muslims.
2007-03-17 17:50:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Because of all these hippie liberals, I have to watch everything I say and do, because someone somewhere MIGHT get offended. You know what offends me? ---> People who get offended. Plain and simple. Grow some tougher skin and strap on a helmet, life is tough... if you get offended, too bad. Wasn't America founded on the principle of FREEDOM OF SPEECH?
2007-03-17 17:41:48
answer #4
answered by Richie 2
Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. One can hear others out but eventually its the person's call if he/she agrees of disagrees. I often feel that it's good to think outside the box and see other's perspective or views before deriving at one's opinion.
2007-03-17 17:40:02
answer #5
answered by SGElite 7
School hurts my soul, does that count? If it helped me learn by myself instead of teaching me as if I were a child, it would be much better.
The educational system in American is far from alright.
2007-03-17 17:28:53
answer #6
answered by 2