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Hi I am doing a paper on Phobias from a Classical Conditioning versus Biological Perspective , anyone have any info, or know of any good web sites?

2007-03-17 10:22:41 · 2 answers · asked by starruinstarla 1 in Social Science Psychology

2 answers

Classical conditioning (CC) in regards to phobias is when we learn a connection between a fear and a stimulus. For CC, there is an unconditioned stimulus (UCS), a conditioned stimulus (CS), an unconditioned response (UCR), and a conditioned response (CR).

Little Albert was quietly playing with a cute little bunny rabbit. Mean old Watson came up behind him and banged some symbols together (UCS) scaring the crap out of Albert (UCR). Albert began to associate this fear with the rabbit (CS) as it only happened when bugs was around. Thus, when he saw the rabbit (CS) he screamed and cried (CR).

Biological perspective says that fear of certain things is innate, that we're born with them.

So is the fear innate (biological perspective) or learned (CC)? That's for you to debate in your paper.

2007-03-19 09:51:33 · answer #1 · answered by belle_bonnie 2 · 0 0

you blow a whistle when you feed the dog. he salivates and eats. You repeat the whistle each time you feed the dog. Then you whistle but dont feed. Amazingly the animal salivates anyway. It is conditioned by the whistle to expect food and so it salivates. Withdraw the food and whistle anyway. The dog will still salivate. Pavlov's classic example of classical conditioning. The perspective is behavioral, isn't it? The physical act of eating accompanied by salivating supports the view. The dog doesn't consciously learn to salivate, no one teaches the dog. It is the mere sound of a repetitve whistle when food presents that brings on the salivating. Did you give the dog a biological substance to make him salivate.? Of course not. He got no anti-depressant or blood pressure medication. No one psychoanalyzed the dog, nor is it possible to do so.

2016-03-29 03:26:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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