Iraq never attacked New York in the first place. Somebody did, but we as U.S Citizens have no real idea who did what. We do know the "insurgents" are now resorting to Clorox to do their "EVIL" deeds.
It seems like many conservatives aren't showering the president with much gratitude these days. Looks more like they are waking up to the fact that either the executive branch lied or they had no idea what in the hell they are talking about.
Seems like regardless what administration is in office, every time they supply our "friends" with weapons, we get our A$$es torn out the frame with them year's latter. Suggestion, how about only supplying tangible economic aid to our friends? I've yet to hear or remember an attack by anyone with corn stalks!
2007-03-17 10:15:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Iraq never did attack New York. And how do you know the future? I would guess that New York now has a much greater chance of being attacked by an Iraqi because the U.S. is in that country killing, raping, and destroying. Would you like that? I wouldn't. In fact, if my sister was raped by a U.S. soldier who is occupying my country, killing my friends and destroying my neighbourhood, I very well may plan to do something just as devastating as what happened Sept. 11.
But, I think maybe instead of New York, I would go for somewhere in Texas or the American South, where the religious freaks who support Bush live. There have got to be some places in that area that really mean a lot to some Americans. Maybe I would seek something that has an emotional connection to many Bush supporters, and destroy that.
The only gratitude that normal people have for Bush is that it was a mistake that they can learn from and that they know he will forever be out of the White House in a couple years.
2007-03-17 17:23:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I must have missed the first time Iraq attacked New York so I was never really worried about Iraq doing it a second time. Whats funny is you couldn't even come up with a real reason we should show Bush gratitude. Kinda says it all right there.
2007-03-17 17:39:45
answer #3
answered by mrlebowski99 6
* From a surplus budget, we have the highest deficit in history. We didn't need all that money anyway. It's better to put it in the private sector. And it is in the private sector, because the Chinese buy up U.S. bonds, financing our debt and help keep labor costs low in China so we can buy cheap goods at Wal*Mart. Thank you George W. Bush for supporting free enterprise!
* From the greatest outpouring of goodwill for the U.S. in history after 9/11, we're now one of the most reviled nations on the planet, and the likes of Iran and North Korea and Venezuela score political points by expressing hatred in the U.S. Thank you George W. Bush for helping to unite the world!
* We're spending ten billion dollars a month and stretching the military to the breaking point in Iraq, which was invaded on false pretenses, where Al Qaeda is forming a thriving branch operation, a sectarian war is threatening to spill into neighboring countries, and an economy about to collapse. That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Thank you George W. Bush for making us stronger! (well, most of us, except for those 3200 soldiers and counting, not counting innocent Iraqis...)
* Thanks to our war of choice, our trampling of the principles upon which the U.S. was originally founded, and our incompetent management of the War on Terror leading to fiascos like Abu Ghraib we have squandered the moral authority, legitimacy, and leadership position of the United States in the world. But you see that's all part of the plan! If the world hates us enough, they won't look to us to police the rest of the world and then we'll be free to focus on our domestic agenda! Thank you George W. Bush!
Let's hear it for George W. Bush!
2007-03-17 18:09:41
answer #4
answered by Pfistulated Cow 5
Hmmm..wasn't Republican Presidential hopefull Rudy Guilliani the mayor of that lib infested bastion of the left?
I'm trying to remember when in our nation's history New York as EVER attacked by Iraq- do you know something that I don't??
2007-03-17 17:17:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The US has been supplying weopens to Dictators like Saddam Hussein for many years.Saddam use to be their friend.Osama Bin Laden and his followers attacked New York and Washington.Watch the documentary Farenheit911,Make up your own mind about Bush.Michael Moore did his Homework.
2007-03-17 17:31:05
answer #6
answered by swamper999 1
Given that Iraq didn't attack New York in the first place, that's not much reason.
And even you you were right (despite all evidence to the contrary) and Saddam did attack New York, are you forgetting that the US considered Saddam an ally during the 1980s?
So, what makes you think that any new Iraq govt we establish now won't become our enemy in 20 or 30 years?
2007-03-17 17:14:39
answer #7
answered by coragryph 7
Iraq never attacked NY, nor did any nation-state but rather an extremist organization.
2007-03-17 17:15:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Iraq never attacked us in the frist place--as you well know. Nor did they have anything to do with 9/11--or alQaida.
2007-03-17 17:18:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Are you kidding!!President Bush based our invasion of Irac on a LIE.His administration has had more scandles then Nixons!
2007-03-17 17:18:21
answer #10
answered by april showers 3