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17 answers

I think that there will never be another Nolan Ryan.

2007-03-17 09:50:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you're talking in terms of longevity, then you've got a few guys like Ryan: Randy Johnson is 43 and still pitching well. Roger Clemens is 44 and could easily pitch a full season at a high level if he wanted to.

Thing is, pitchers have never been that long-lived, on average. People tend to remember the greats, like Ryan, who pitched forever and forget that even 50 years ago a pitcher in his mid-30s was on the old side. Even some of the legends burned out young: Sandy Koufax retired at 30, Don Drysdale at 33, and there are dozens of other examples.

2007-03-17 11:54:36 · answer #2 · answered by JerH1 7 · 0 0

It mostly has to do with conditioning. Nolan Ryan threw hard all the time, and nearly wore his arm out in New York. When he got to the Angels, he learned how to throw effectively without hurting himself. Also, at the time, there were 4 man rotations, so pitchers were in 40-45 games a season. When the 5 man rotation came into being, pitchers from years before got extra rest, and lengthened their careers. Pitchers now really aren't conditioned to throw a lot anymore. They throw in 30-35 games. I think Greg Maddux has the longest career now, but I don't think he'll last as long as Ryan did.

2007-03-17 10:04:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

With the recent banishment of anphatamines the possiblities of there being a player like nolan ryan are going up. This means that players will have to improve overall, altering their lifestyles and training so as to prevnt aging in a new manner. Players dont care as much about how they care for their bodies becasue of all the drugs that are available for them, like greenies to give them energy. Players like Clemens and Ryan are a few and far between though. Their work ethic is the reason for their longevity, once players see that they need to work harder to stay healthy, they will begin to last longer.

2007-03-17 12:00:32 · answer #4 · answered by mike b 2 · 0 0

Probably not, but check out Daisuke Matsuzaka. He had a game in high school where he threw 250 pitches in 17 innnings in the semis and came out the next day to record a save. If his arm was abused at such an early age and he has no problem right now, I would say he has a heck of an arm.

2007-03-17 09:59:24 · answer #5 · answered by bowdowntotheotter 2 · 0 0

uhhh...ever heard of this guy named Roger Clemens??? he is 44 and is going to be 45 this year. The last 3 yrs (when he was 42, 43, and 44) he has had an era under 3.00....he has 348 total wins and 4,600 strikeouts. He is considering coming back this year and there is no doubt that he will dominate again this year at 45 years old...

2007-03-17 10:01:17 · answer #6 · answered by matt f 2 · 1 0

No there will never be another Nolan Ryan, not with pitch counts, specialized lefty pictures, free agents, there is also no more loyalty in the sport.

2007-03-17 12:00:27 · answer #7 · answered by martin d 4 · 0 0

Cy Young threw for a lot more innings then Ryan.But no there will probably never be another pitcher like either of them,the bullpen has become dominant.

2007-03-17 10:52:14 · answer #8 · answered by red4tribe 6 · 0 0

Ya, Roger Clemens. Dice-K is also built like Roger and Nolan so maybe him also.

2007-03-17 10:33:14 · answer #9 · answered by Ballzy 6 · 0 0


2007-03-17 10:37:53 · answer #10 · answered by gman 6 · 0 0

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