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I was watched the movie..and i agree with it

but there are bound to be some contradictions... what are they?

2007-03-17 08:21:38 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Movies

1 answers

selected research - only chose those speakers that agreed with the pretense of the movie, which was about 35-40%

this means there is an equal amount of research that is against the idea of Global Warming

the clouds on the movie poster - are moving the wrong direction for a storm

Al owns the company his "Carbon Credits" go to -
what a SHAM!

and his 9,000 sq ft house for two people - uses 10 times the electricity in my 3 bedroom house - and that's only one of his houses

So the Oscars where HE WON - was the third LEAST watched show - we are fed up with Hollywood kissing up

all the best!

2007-03-17 08:34:06 · answer #1 · answered by tom4bucs 7 · 0 1

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