There's not a helluvalot we can do about it. We're given crappy candidates, and anyone decent gets knocked out of the competition before Super Tuesday.
Remember the Watts Riots? Civil disobedience is answered with guns and tanks here, too.
2007-03-17 08:32:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Holding an election every 2 or 4 years isn't periodically checking up on them?
There is not a government on this planet without some level of incompetence and/or corruption. Compared with some South American countries our government is squeaky clean.
Since corporations now control the media, and most of America is completely unaware of this, the problem is only going to get worse. You will never see a news story that GE or Microsoft or Gulf & Western or Disney doesn't want you to see.
2007-03-17 15:30:13
answer #2
answered by BOOM 7
Because they don't think that they have a choice. Many Americans believe that the two party system is awful and ineffective. Many Americans believe that the politicians that represent these parties are some mixture of corrupt and inept. But they do not see any way of changing the status quo. There is a stigmatization of third parties as morally upright but useless. Voting for someone that they believe in is "throwing away a vote". This is a fairly straightforward example of the bystander effect- there are many people who see that something is wrong, but they are waiting for oneone else to throw the proverbial brick at Washington politics. Americans no longer feel responsible for their own political structure. The psychology of "lesser of two evils" comes into play, as they see no way to enforce responsibility, accountability, and other virtues that they respect in the government. This is very, very sad.
2007-03-17 15:30:25
answer #3
answered by stage_poi 4
We really don't have much choice. If we rebelled and won, it would be mob figures, gangstas, and drug dealers managing our country.
Most candidates for local or national offices leave a lot to be desired. All we can do is vote for the lesser of two's a shame.
2007-03-17 15:33:33
answer #4
answered by Holiday Magic 7
the people have been seperated more and more from what is actually going on ... they have been misinformed on practically every issue so that there is a situation where most people really dont know what is going on or the real issues .. not to mention that the majority has been weakened by taxation and debt to the point that their voice just doesnt count anymore ...
2007-03-17 15:29:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Some Americans simply don't care, some are ignorant, and others (like myself) are just so fed up with it that they are killing time until they can leave the country.
2007-03-17 16:00:12
answer #6
answered by Ashley 4
money talks & has the final say.=(. We do care but we are no longer 'free' to do anything about it. corruption is contagious & greed is the disease. elections are not legit. politians are all corrupt, each with their own price and agenda. citizens are heavily taxed and told to overlook it all, everything is hidden from us.
gov. controls what we hear and see......
2007-03-17 15:45:14
answer #7
answered by cherryblossommmm 2
I wish I knew.
2007-03-17 15:24:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous