I'm a college student, still on my parents' health insurance. I went to the gyno recently for my annual exam and told the doctor I'd like to be put on the Pill. He gave me a 3-month supply of Yaz and told me that if I'm happy with it after taking it awhile, I should call his office and he would call in a prescription for me.
My question is, when he calls in the prescription, will that show up on the insurance bill? Or does my birth control prescription not show up unless I actually use the insurance to pay for part of it? I plan on telling the pharmacist (not the same as my parents' pharmacist) that I don't have insurance to pay for the prescription, so I'll just pay for it all out of pocket. I just don't want that stuff showing up on my parents' insurance bill...I know all insurance is different, but if anyone has a general idea, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!
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