Deke: when you stick handle around an opposing player. Basically "faking" him out
One timer: when a pass comes to the shooter, the shooter takes the shot without stopping the puck.
Complete terminology here:
2007-03-17 06:33:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A deke is a hockey move to get past an opponent. A one timer is a shot that occurs when a player meets a teammates pass with an immediate slapshot without any attempt to control the puck on his stick.
2007-03-17 11:53:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Simply put
A "Deke" is basically an action taken to fool the opposing player or players into thinking your going or doing something else.
A "One Timer" is shooting the puck with out stopping it as it comes to you
2007-03-17 07:01:57
answer #3
answered by Teal Blue 2
a deke sometimes known as a dangle, is an ice hockey technique which a player uses to get past an opponent.
2007-03-17 06:38:12
answer #4
answered by BEADIE M 2
a deke is you pretend to go one way and go the other there fore deking him out of his in not stopping the puck when it comes to you just slapping it at goal there for one timer.
2007-03-17 08:02:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A deke is when you stickhandle past someone and you leave them in your tracks
a one timer is when your player passes you the puck and without stopping it you take a shot.
they work really well!
2007-03-17 06:44:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I trust the guy above me capturing is the main at Pee Wee point. i'm a Midget Minor a center and that i be responsive to many adjustments of dekes, fakes, pictures, etc. precise now i could tell your son to concentration on his shot yet while he fairly need to learn dekes to test with the %., that's what I did. I additionally watched different gamers and found out some sturdy skills with that still. in case you ever observed the Datsuyk Pull In, I created my very own small version to the pass.basically test and characteristic relaxing taking part in hockey. confident the strikes are very superb to learn and artwork in specific cases yet basically have fin with the recreation, the strikes come of course. i did not start up doing alot of strikes till my Bantam Years. Oh and a few strikes he ought to learn is easliy below the stick and between skates on the fly. least complicated, maximum excellent for me in my point. sturdy good fortune with Experimenting with the %. and keep the shot up =]
2016-12-19 07:37:46
answer #7
answered by ? 4
A true Deke is when you manuver around an opposing player in such a way as to fake him or her into thinking your going a differant direction than you are really going to go!!!!!
2007-03-17 12:09:53
answer #8
answered by Paully S 4
I think the term is a play on the word "decoy". As others have mentioned, it is an attempt to make an opposing player think you are going to do something when, in fact, you are going to do something else.
2007-03-17 09:18:03
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
a deke is when you move the puck from forehand to backhand to forehand to backhand....on your stick, used to maintain posession and fakout defenseman and goalies
2007-03-17 06:51:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous