Hillary still wants to stay the course in Iraq. I would prefer any of the many anti-war candidates including Obama, Edwards, Richardson or Dodd.
2007-03-17 06:20:31
answer #1
answered by Duffman 5
Hard to know where to start with this question. Your premise is that because a black man and a white woman are running for President we should wonder what will become of this country. Obviously you don't think a black person or a woman is capable of being President. That premise makes your opinion one of a racist and a misogynist. On top of that you have the misguided idea that Hillary is a liberal - she is not, she is a moderate. Yes, SOME people think she is only in the running because Bill was President. These are the same people who like yourself, don't know the first thing about her. These are also the same people who rather than actually doing research about a candidate, just parrot the worst things they can glean from mutterings that come from people just like themselves. If you wish to downgrade candidates it would help to actually learn some real facts about them.
2007-03-17 15:22:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I would like to see any democrat before Hillary. She would be my absolute last choice. She is too divisive, polarizing, and I don't trust her.
My first choice is John Edwards because he actually has solutions to many of the problems the next president is facing i.e. Iraq, healthcare, poverty, etc. Every time he speaks at a rally (I saw him speak in San Antonio, TX), he addresses these issues and what he'd do about them in order to solve.
I have yet to hear any of the other candidates even touch on them. Yes, they recognize them as problems, but yet they don't have any solutions. I also heard Barack Obama speak here in Austin. His speech was all over the place and offered very little substance. I believe the novelty of he and Hillary will eventually wear off before next year's primary season begins.
2007-03-17 13:44:16
answer #3
answered by JoJo 4
Speaking as a New York liberal, Hilary is a centrist, and too willing to pander to the social-right conservatives out there. She is a smart woman, but it's unfortunate she's running for president, as she's a divisive figure and is on shaky ideological ground despite her proclaimed stances.
I would prefer Howard Dean out of anyone, but because he said 'Yeehaw!' he is apparently unelectable, as stupid as that is - good job, America, tossing out your most qualified and electable Democratic candidate.
Out of those running, I would sooner vote for Obama or Edwards or Joe Biden (who needs to learn to shut up sometimes, but if he does, he would be my preferred candidate.)
On the Republican side, I would vote for Giuliani before Hilary and would - maybe - vote for McCain before Hilary. He's turning out to be a panderer just like Hilary, but I believe he is more intellectually honest than she (and would have loved to see a Gore-McCain runoff in 2000).
I would also vote Cobb/LaMarche for the Greens if they ran again, or Nader if he ran for the Greens as well.
2007-03-17 15:23:27
answer #4
answered by Kate S 3
Almost anyone but Hilary. Do you really want her husband sneaking around in the back halls? Don't you remember the last hing they did before leaving office was to pardon a drug dealer? Let her stay home and bake cookies and stand by her man.
2007-03-17 18:43:54
answer #5
answered by jackie 6
Personally, I would prefer nearly anyone to Hilliary Clinton. I don't care about her gender or her husband, I just don't like what she would do if elected. That's all the reason anyone needs to opposes anyone running for anything.
2007-03-17 18:23:14
answer #6
answered by STEVEN F 7
shes going to be president im 100 percent sure
2007-03-18 13:07:27
answer #7
answered by donielle 7
No way is Hillary going to win. IF she wins (which she won't) then there will be a pattern Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. After that we need Jeb Bush in office.
(Go Fox News and Giuliani for president!)
2007-03-17 13:39:41
answer #8
answered by sirgermono 1
I'd like George W Bush to be president before Hillary. Whish is what will happen when she is elected in 08.
2007-03-17 21:58:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Ronald McDonald, the Burger King, anyone but Hillary. Has nothing to do with her being a woman, it is her personality and ideas about how to run government.
2007-03-17 15:01:25
answer #10
answered by brendashubby35 3