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Would somebody please tell me who or what gave Christians and Jesus this hug-the f..k-out-of-your-enemies mentality? Who originally said that Christians should be against war and against fighting evil through the military?

When did this trend start?

If you honestly think that the Bible condemns war and fighting evil, and that Jesus is this non-violent, everybody-goes-to-heaven communist, please do yourself a favor and read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Romans chapter 1, Matthew chapter 23 (especially verse 33), John chapter 2, Revelation chapter 2, Revelation 19:11-21, and Matthew 26:53.

Jesus said to love your enemies, but did he say ALL your enemies or MOST of your enemies? The answer to that question is unknown, therefore, it is up to US to interpret it!

I say that Jesus was saying to love MOST of your enemies, not ALL of them! Do you guys really think that Jesus is in heaven right now wanting us to "love" the terrorists and "love" the POW's in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib?

2007-03-17 05:51:49 · 13 answers · asked by godlyteengirl 3 in Politics & Government Politics

Sorry for coming across as a guy, Kevin A, but this is a HUGE hot button topic with me!

I can't stand it when people make up lies about my personal Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ! I love Jesus more than anybody else, and I refuse to let poeple make up lies about him and get away with it!

By the way, if you read my profile, I note that I'am "very, very, "opinionated." Girls have the right to be opinionated to, you know!

2007-03-17 06:06:04 · update #1

Actually Count Accumen, they are alot more people that agree with me than you think! However, I am one of the few that stands up for what's right with the knowing that I will get lambasted for it! See, I take Revelation 2:10 very seriously: "be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life." I'm being "faithful," and I'm proud that alot of people here respect that, as is shown by my 30% answer rating!

Now, as for you, I find it funny how you called me "loud and obnoxious" without giving any worthy answer whatsoever! This tells me that you don't HAVE a worthy answer, and now you are resorting to calling me bad names!

Tyical liberal: call somebody a name when you have no answer to a legitimate question! Hey, at least you didn't call me a "racist" or a "bigot"! So I got to give you credit for that!

2007-03-17 06:37:43 · update #2

"The problem with a great many people is that although they may be sincere in wanting to understand the Bible, they let their own personal feelings color its true meaning and they end up interpreting it to what THEY want it to mean."

See. that's just it, only God knows the Bible's "true meaning." Until he tells us, its up to US to interprete it, even if that means letting our political viewpoints influence us!

Besides, it is IMPOSSIBLE to take EVERYTHING in the Bible literally! It would contradict itself if you did that! Some parts are literal, while other parts are up for debate!

I know that you are going to accuse me of picking and choosing, so here's my answer to that: I believe that EVERYTHING in the Bible is TRUE to either a historical or moral extent! As long as I believe that EVERYTHING it in is true, I can choose to emphasize whatever I want!

And I choose to emphasize standing up to evil more than I do showing love and compassion to evil! Is that a problem?

2007-03-17 06:44:47 · update #3

(continued from above): on the other hand, you liberals choose which parts of the Bible you WANT to believe and which parts you DON'T want to believe (like Revelation, Romans, and Ecclesiastes). YOU CAN'T DO THAT!! I believe that everything in the Bible is true, you guys don't! End of discussion!

2007-03-17 06:46:38 · update #4

“doesn't give a flying fig about anything like history or current events”

Let me tell you some "history" about war and you're oh-so-great negotiations with evil out of "unconditional love":
-War killed the British in the American Revolution and War of 1812
-War killed the Confederates
-War killed the European Nationalists in World WAR 1.
-War killed the Nazi's
-War was killing the North Koreans and Communists in Vietnam until America pussied out of both wars.
On the other hand.....
-Negotiations with Adolf Hitler resulted in the death of a million innocent victims in Czechoslovakia.
-Negotiations with North Korea-in which they PROMISED NOT TO TRY AND BUILD NUCLEAR WEAPONS-ended up with them trying to build nuclear weapons.
-Negotiations with Lydia-or was it Lybia?-in 1990 failed miserably until we scared the crap out of them in 2003 when we captured Saddam.

And consider this quote: "The Price of Victory is BLOOD"-Napoleon.

Finally, please read Ecclesiastes 3:3 and 8

2007-03-17 06:53:34 · update #5

By the way jamie, way to be a hypocrite:

-"I believe in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for ALL beings."

-"your whole country and its LEADER whom I ABSOLUTLY LOATHE"

2007-03-17 07:02:27 · update #6

"Where is it you Live? The US? OH! Living as part of an invading force. Feel good?"

And I gladly STAND UP, next to you, and defend her still today. Because there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the U.S.A!

2007-03-17 07:04:36 · update #7

"Where is it you Live? The US? OH! Living as part of an invading force. Feel good?"

And I gladly STAND UP, next to you, and defend her still today. Because there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the U.S.A!

2007-03-17 07:04:57 · update #8

"There’s a strong message here that many people would just like to ignore and interpret away into meaninglessness."

I'm not ignoring that verse, honey, I'm just saying that it doesn't apply to war! Jesus proves this in Revelation 2 and Revelation 19:11-21!

You say it DOES apply to war, I say no way!

2007-03-17 07:08:29 · update #9

"What would be the point of telling people to turn the other cheek except to counter the natural inclination which would be to strike back?"

I believe that Jesus said that so that way violence and war doesn't get out of control. BY NO MEANS does Jesus say we can't "fight back" against evil!

2007-03-17 07:10:37 · update #10

" I presume your alluding to the war in Iraq."

No, I'm not talking about the War in Iraq, I'm talking about the war on terrorism in general.

The war in Iraq is not a fight against evil anymore. To say so would be foolish. I'll talk about the war in Iraq with you if you want, but that's not the focus of my question. The focus of my question is the war on terrorism.
Here's what I'm ultimitely tring to get to: evil must be fought with war, not diplomacy. However, your ilk are so obsessed with "negotiating" with these demons that you've turned Jesus into something that he's not-an advocate of unconditional love. I believe that compassion and love most certainly have their place in this world-even more so than fighting and violence-but NOT when dealing with crazy people like the terrorists. You guys apparently think that we Christians are advocates of "no war whatsoever" and "not being able to defend ourselves," and I'm telling you that you guys are DEAD WRONG!

2007-03-17 08:32:13 · update #11

13 answers

I believe that Jesus meant love ALL of your enemies. That, however, does not mean you cant kill them. Religion (a very questionable thing) can say whatever it wants.
Quick.....10 seconds to come up with three contradictions depending on what section of the bible you choose to believe!

2007-03-17 06:00:04 · answer #1 · answered by Mike M 4 · 3 0

Are you saying that Communists never start or get involved with violence or WAR?

Are you saying that Jesus was a Communist?

I didn't see that, "some of the time", "everyone but not him", stuff in what Jesus taught...hmmm "thou shalt not kill" ,"love thy neighbour as thy self".

Oh my goodness I can pick and choose, gee thanks sweety!

Honey the Bible is a large collection of different texts and sources.

Check out Zoroastrianism where it all began!

The early history of the Jewish people is full of mass genocide and occupation. Does that make it right?

Oh, I am sorry 'God', said it was OK. I forgot.

You were at those witch trials, tortures and murders weren't you! Right.

I get it.

I believe in unconditional love for all beings. I am practising it right now with you dear. It is taxing my patience but that's the refiners fire for you isn't it.

In fact I am sending that devine unconditional love to your whole country and its leader whom I absolutely loath and am trying my very best to keep it that way.

So if your country eventual through insidious means does end up destroying my world I will through my tears and outrage still go back to that core in my being to try to find my soul again and that soul is love!

If this is what Christianity means to you, you are your own Satan.

You really fit that right wing Christian American steriotype of the kind of person that gets all whipped up, doesn't give a flying fig about anything like history or current events, becoming educated about other countries, cultures, beliefs and religions accept to conform them tp your view or dehumanise them so you can justify trashing them and killing them off.

Yes there are very bad things that happen in the world. Yes everyone has the right to defend ourselves. Yes First Nations (...remember the Indians cowgirl!) Yes the Indians had every right to fracken kick your American butts to defend their territories, loved ones, food source, culture , governments, religions and so on, anyway they could!!!!!

SO! The American Indian Movement is considered terrorist ? Is it? I don't know. Maybe you should look into it darlin.

Where is it you Live? The US? OH! Living as part of an invading force. Feel good?

Peace and good will to all.


2007-03-17 06:13:05 · answer #2 · answered by Jamie 4 · 2 1

You're taking a great deal of what's in the Bible out of context. In other words, you're not considering the scripture in its entirety. Find me a verse in the Bible that said that Jesus killed anyone personally. Find me a verse that said any of his disciples did so personally. When the Romans & Jewish religious leaders came to arrest him, Jesus own disciple drew his weapon and struck off a slave's ear. Luke 22:51 indicated that he not only reprimanded his disciple for doing that but he also healed the slave. If he sanctioned fighting, he and all of his disciples would have all had swords and they could have commenced a slaying. Or for that matter, he could have appealed to his father for legions of angels to strike down the men as you suggest in Matt 26:53. The problem with a great many people is that although they may be sincere in wanting to understand the Bible, they let their own personal feelings color its true meaning and they end up interpreting it to what THEY want it to mean.

2007-03-17 06:09:43 · answer #3 · answered by LA Law 4 · 3 1

If you read the words that are actually attributed to Jesus, they consist of: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” “Whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also;” “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God,” etc. The “damnation” to which he refers in Matthew 23 is addressed to the hypocrites who would apparently commit the same sins as their fathers. You can find many violent and contradictory things in the Bible but Jesus’ message was consistently one of peace and love.

You can interpret anything to suit your own agenda but the words that Jesus is supposed to have said seem to advocate a nonviolent approach. What would be the point of telling people to turn the other cheek except to counter the natural inclination which would be to strike back? There’s a strong message here that many people would just like to ignore and interpret away into meaninglessness.

2007-03-17 06:36:42 · answer #4 · answered by tribeca_belle 7 · 1 1

Are you point gaming ? How the hell do you get 30% Best Answers ( with over 300 answers ) being as dumb and obnoxious as you are ? What's going on here ?
After reading your response to my first answer, I will answer your question more directly. I'm an atheist. But I think it's safe to say that most Christians are not against military action as long as it's warranted. I presume your alluding to the war in Iraq.
That is not a war against "evil". If it is, it's because we provoked them by occupying their country. Saddam Hussein was an evil man. But we didn't go there to overthrow him because he was evil. If that was the case, we would have invaded alot of corrupt governments. We went there because he had influence on the world's oil supply. You don't see us helping Darfur, do you ? The ultimate point being, don't try to say we are in Iraq because we are there to fight evil. Many Christians are trying to rationalize their Evangelical elected President as being there for more noble purposes than he actually is.

2007-03-17 06:09:07 · answer #5 · answered by Count Acumen 5 · 4 2

Love your parents. To me this means love BOTH your parents. And to you?
I think most Christians are prepared to go to war for a JUST cause, so your argument is slightly flawed.
Also, are we to believe that the 'POWs' (???) at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib are all terrorists? On whose say-so?
GWB and his cronies? Until they are found guilty by a competent court, not something created behind closed doors,
they are innocent.

2007-03-17 06:06:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Knowing Jesus, he definitely meant to love everyone without exceptions. BTW, GWB did say that God told him to invade Iraq. So you should be yelling at the president.

2007-03-17 05:57:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

jesus said love your enemies- all of them.
but god has nothing against defening yourself

2007-03-17 06:30:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

That's not exactly the type of language I would expect from a female but I have to agree with you.

2007-03-17 05:59:10 · answer #9 · answered by Kevin A 6 · 0 3

SORRY i didnt know the WAR ON TERROR was THE CRUSADE 3 in disguise.

2007-03-17 06:01:22 · answer #10 · answered by I LOVE BEING A NORTHERN YANK! 1 · 2 1

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