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18 answers

The existence of life on other planets (in some form) seems very likely to me... even from a statistical point of view. New planetary systems are being discovered all the time now, based on analysis of how gravity influences the stars the planets are orbiting around rather than any direct observation of the planets themselves. There are more stars in the universe than all the grains of sand on all the beaches in the world. The last time I was at the beach I scooped up a handful of sand and tried to comprehend the enormity of this fact. It seems unlikely that we're the only incidence of life in a universe so unimaginably vast. Life is probably a naturally emergent phenomenon based on certain conditions being present. In the great cosmic lottery, those conditions likely repeat themselves every once in a while. None of this is contingent upon whether UFOs are actually alien visitors, or not. They are more likely just unexplained Earthly phenomenon, and I say this as someone who has witnessed them first hand.

2007-03-17 05:09:38 · answer #1 · answered by opifan64 5 · 2 0

Aliens are not real. At least, people who claim that they have seen aliens never have any good proof to back up their claims. You should never believe something unless it can be proven, and a lot of times people who say that they saw a UFO or an alien are either trying to get attention, or saw or experienced something that they don't understand.

Also, UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. So, if I had never seen a football, and one came sailing through the sky toward me, I could call it a UFO. But I would not claim that it came from outer space. People do see UFOs (and some are seen from airplanes, like you asked) but they are often just an airplane, or a balloon, or something else that is natural or man-made. No UFOs that I have heard of have been seen by astronauts in space.

The most important thing when talking about aliens and UFOs is to be skeptical. The astronomer Carl Sagan came up with something called the "Baloney Detection Kit", which is a way to think about things to tell if you should believe them, or if you should say "that's a bunch of baloney!". Check out this website.

On the other hand, just because there is no good evidence that aliens are visiting us, that doesn't mean that we are alone in the universe. The problem is, if anyone out there is alive, they are an awfully long way away. Space is huge! Here's an example: if you shrank the earth down to be one inch across, the sun would be about 985 feet away, and the nearest star would be about 50,000 miles away!!! And that's just the nearest star! There are billions of stars out there that are millions of times farther away.

So, there could be other living things out there in the universe, but it's too far away for any of them to travel to visit us. Some scientists use radio antennas to listen to far away stars to see if someone out there is sending us radio signals. This is called the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI.

To finish, I'll leave you with a quote from Carl Sagan, who was very interested in SETI:

"If it is just us [in the universe] it seems like an awful waste of space."

2007-03-17 07:46:29 · answer #2 · answered by kanya 5 · 0 0

Most likely any life in outer space would need some type of life supporting system or ship.There may also be those who have already created artificial new bodies especially for space traveling. Artificial life forms would last much longer and would not get tired or sleep.Immortality is an important step to achieving long space flights and exploration. Genetic engineering is another. In this way a colony could travel to another solar system and blend in or excel it's evolutionary status.

2007-03-17 05:08:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nobody seems to be sure which one of the UFO sightings are real & which are fake.
I believe there has got to be life in outer space , simply because Earth is just like a sandgrain on a beach when you imagine the size of the Universe.
There has to be another planet with climes suitable for evolution.

2007-03-17 05:03:02 · answer #4 · answered by daffy duck 4 · 0 0

So far we've seen no verifiable evidence of other sentient species. That said, I believe with some certainty that somewhere in our galaxy at some past, present, or future time, a sentient species did/does/will exist.

Why haven't we heard from them?

Perhaps they are not technologically advanced enough to be heard. They may be mastering stone knives right now, or experiencing their own Rennaisance.

Perhaps they are here right now. Any species sufficiently advanced to travel interstellar distances would be able to hide or masquerade with ease. That Boeing 737 that just flew by may be a surveillance craft.

Perhaps they are so far away they will never notice us and vice versa.

Perhaps they existed a million years ago and died out.

Perhaps they will exist a million years from now.

It is really impossible to know for sure.

The Drake Equation suggests that there is sentient life out there. The Fermi Paradox casts doubt. Play around with the calculation form at the second link and see what you think.

2007-03-17 09:21:22 · answer #5 · answered by Otis F 7 · 0 0

I firmly believe that in the vast reaches of space, some form of life must exist. However, hard evidence of alien spacecraft is non-existent. UFO's do exist. Be careful not to confuse the two terms. A cloud may be a UFO.

2007-03-17 06:09:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The fact that UFO's have been reported has not one iota to do with whether there is life in space.

Yes, there is life in space. It's probably protected by a suit or a ship. If not, it's probably very small life forms that are hibernating in the vacuum.

2007-03-17 05:33:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Life do exist in outer space...no doubt about that , but most UFOs are not real ....it could be a spy aircraft or something...if aliens why wouldnt they make contact when they know their cover is blown ??? its because UFOs not alien space ship..... Aliens do exist somewhere in this huge universe and galaxy.

2007-03-17 05:00:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People think life cannot exist on other planets because the basic necessities are not present but my question is WHY???
it may not be necessary that what we humans need, those things aliens also need for survival....there even can exist life on the sun why???because those organisms mat need heat to survive.....why should we not change our thinking??? I strongly believe there IS LIFE IN OUTER SPACE
and then again this universe is endless it has endless galaxys the galaxys have endless planets on those planets atleast 1 planet may be like earth RIGHT???

2007-03-17 07:07:10 · answer #9 · answered by melovedogs 3 · 0 0

Life may be out there because the universe is big. But life as intellegent as ours no because we would have heard from them by now. Those UFO spottings were fake or some new technology that people didn't know about yet.

2007-03-17 06:17:24 · answer #10 · answered by s√(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) 3 · 0 0

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