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im am in fact black, but majority of the black people i meet have these nasty attitudes and i find disturbing. im nothing like taht im am polite and kind. is it upbringing or just genetics?

2007-03-17 03:12:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

I wish I knew, as this has made interaction with most of them a very difficult thing for me. Not all, but some are really prejudiced against me because I am a white male. Not like being white has given me many advantages, I was born in a poor family, and everything I got, I had to earn the hard way...work for it. And usually it's the males that are like this. I think it is partly because they encourage each other to be this way. And they are, of course, worse when they are around their friends. I am fortunate, in some respects, as I have a few friends that are not that way towards me, so there is hope...right?

2007-03-17 03:21:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

while your question generalizes about an entire population, which is unfair, I'll give this one a go:

regardless of color, race, creed or personal issues, there are people who simply choose to live in a negative fashion. Some are negative due to health circumstances that make them feel poorly all of the time. That is a draining, emotional feeling.

Some of the negativity stems from personal circumstances due to their upbringing and some negativity has to do with believing that they are due some sort of special privilege just because they are who they are.

I have known of siblings who had the exact same environment in growing up but who are polar opposites when it comes to personal contentment and their views on how they are treated and how they treat others.

Being polite and kind and having good manners crosses all racial and political lines. When we have been taught the lessons, it is our choice to accept and act upon them implementing the good to benefit others and ourselves.

Some people, regardless of color and circumstance, are simply curmudgeonly and cantankerous to everyone.

These people are viral contaminants. Stay away from them as much as you can so that their influence for negativity won't rub off onto you.

Keep your sunny side up and be kind. It will take you far in life and I truly believe it will affect what sort of hearafter you receieve when this life is over. Jesus was good to EVERYONE regardless of their race, creed, color or circumstance.

God bless!

2007-03-17 03:24:19 · answer #2 · answered by stonechic 6 · 3 0

Defenately upbringing, I would say;...obviously your parents brought you up to believe that you as equal blessed as anyone on this earth and placed God's values in your heart, not blaming everyone else for your color, and that above all you are an American, which is absolutely correct....I bet you do not run around waving some green/red-black striped whatever flag.....not all black parents however practice this type of teaching for their young....

2007-03-17 03:19:51 · answer #3 · answered by dorianalways 4 · 0 0

It is not genetics. It is upbringing. Do you ever watch people from England that are black and watch them speak? It is downright charming. I cannot take my eyes off of them when they talk. Because any person with an English accent sound twice as smart as most Americans. Absolutley wonderful to watch. I am like a bird looking at a shiney object when this happens.

2007-03-17 03:17:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Its not genetics because the African tribesman are very friendly and really awsome people...so it would have to be this americanized upbringing and bad attitudes in their home life

2007-03-17 03:18:45 · answer #5 · answered by Spades Of Columbia 5 · 2 0

it truly is in simple terms how a number of them are. it really is suggested that they don't love a very good guy, meaning articulate, respectful, smart adult adult males, they could walk throughout and be advise in the route of. it really is unhappy fairly, yet there are black females obtainable that like respectful adult adult males and favor genuine adult adult males and under no circumstances wannabe thugs. i have considered it a lot, and they finally end up wanting to be with the different variety after the thug variety that they needed so undesirable, performs them and leaves after she's pregnant.

2016-11-26 01:44:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i don't
but my older sister does she was born like that
that's the way they were brought up..

2007-03-17 03:22:35 · answer #7 · answered by Kiara 2 · 0 0

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