We do not hate the American people, just the people in power who draw up one sided agreements.(and British 0officials) who let them be ratified.Your governments refusal to help out in the inquest of Matty Hull by allowing witnesses to testify is beyond belief. Over here we had the "Nat West Three" extradited to the USA, Using a new anti terror treaty.They have done nothing illegal under UK law, but our courts allowed them to be tried in the USA. When we get a fair and equal treaty we once again, wish you a nice day?
2007-03-17 06:44:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It might have something to do with the present UK government jumping when the US President says so. Most Brits don't like that.
We also don't like the fact that the USA criticise our food (which admittedly isn't the best in the world) and inundate us with McDonald's, KFC and Starbucks.
Our dentists aren't as well trained as yours, so Coca Cola is certainly a bad idea.
Oh, we're also fed up with the way you treat our language. Yes, folks, OUR language.
Historically, we don't like the fact that you would have happily watched the UK be defeated in World War II, if the Japanese hadn't bombed Pearl Harbour. You came in at the last minute and then claimed you won the war.
You dragged us into Korea, then Afghanistan and Iraq, and frankly, some of us think it's time you started taking a global view. Either that or fight your own wars on your own.
Is that enough? If it's not hatred, it's certainly distrust and growing distaste
2007-03-17 09:21:09
answer #2
answered by cymry3jones 7
We don't hate all those Americans who are protesting against illegal wars and occupations and heads of countries who condone them for nefarious ends, nor the millions of people mourning their dead and watching the body bags come home and indeed it is not all the American people who will allow these catastrophes to go on - i.e. like the election of the opposition party into congress . We too are ashamed of our Government . There is too much incitement to hate. But respect is not yet dead.
2007-03-17 06:21:20
answer #3
answered by Dizzy 2
Blair and Bush may have similar views on some issues, but the British people do not share them! If most countries in the world hates the USA, it is because of their policies. They don't necessarily hate the American people, but they do hate the American system.
American Imperialism has been devastating in the world, even when coming from democrat governments.
2007-03-17 08:09:12
answer #4
answered by s0190331 3
Hate the USA ? that,s your Opinion -- Overwhelmingly the opinion amongst People that I come into Contact with who are sufficiently Intelligent to realise that America is our Best friend and stands for a Free World and the Defence against Lunatic Despots who are Intent on Destroying Humanity
2007-03-17 22:27:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
What makes you think that Brits hate the USA? A lot of us don't like rude people, and are rude back. We're not all fans of your president. Or Guantamano Bay. Or 'friendly fire'.
Don't take the critisism personally. We are able to critisize each other and out own beloved El Presidento in just the same way.
2007-03-17 04:06:08
answer #6
answered by sarah c 7
The British don't hate the USA. We are allies.
Your additional details have nothing to do with the question you asked, which was about British feelings about America. Just because you disagree with the Bush Administration doesn't mean that the Brits hate America.
2007-03-17 03:27:39
answer #7
answered by Brent W 5
the pro europeans are trying to talk us into hating america, because they want to sell us out to european union, And live of the gravy train europe feeds them on, they havent got the will to make us great again like our forefathers did, by our own efforts, The whole country has been demoralised because of this argument about europe, its not americas problem they are using anti american stuff as a diversionary tatic.take no notice.
2007-03-17 21:37:08
answer #8
answered by trucker 5
because its not just iraq and gauntanamo is it,japan,**** you poisoned the world you americans,nam,kids and woman murdered,villages burnt,chemicals used,iraq twice,iran,youve chemicals,ive had idiots saying saddam had weopons of mass destuction coz look what happened to the kurds,most honest people know saddam never had wmds,just excuses,i aint proud of blair and all the lies and ill give up my citizenship tommorrow,but they wont let me out,our views are not similar,i really dislike americans and am fed up with your attitude that you helped us win wars ,we bought arms off ya,i think you are all a bunch of fat big mouthed self important wasters destroying our planet,it aint just yours,you run us down we are only a tiny country but man for man we would wipe the floor with you and the more i am reading on yahoo q and a the more i am disliking you lot ,dont worry about why us british dont like you most of the world dont,it doesnt take a lot of working out,now do one.
2007-03-17 07:47:11
answer #9
answered by rebel 4
Why the elected representative of the country do not enact a law to forbid wars on nations and people a crime against the humanity? As long as it is going on, there will be no love lost between the people whether they are British or any other. So, a country must learn to live at peace with other countries to enhance love, respect and harmony. As such in the present scenario the USA's rating would continue to dip down.
2007-03-17 03:09:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous