ofcourse!! i keeps it real...why? because what is the point of being a fake person? just KEEP IT REAL!
2007-03-17 02:36:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What do you mean? Are you suggesting that people don't give an answer here that they really believe in? No matter how many times you try not to show it, the real you will come out in the end. You are entitled to be yourself, and express any opinion you wish as long as you're not offensive. Intolerence and bigotry have no place in this forum.
2007-03-17 02:51:10
answer #2
answered by Heralda 5
Yeah. I have nothing to hide on here. No one knows me and i could tell ppl things i don't really tell anyone else. I don't answer really personal questions cuz i am just not comfortable. But yeah, i portray the real me on here.
2007-03-17 02:40:20
answer #3
answered by ade164 3
Yes because I get E Mail from kids on here sometimes I guess I'm supposed to lie though arn't I?
2007-03-17 02:41:53
answer #4
answered by hobo 7
Yes this is the real me
2007-03-17 08:06:58
answer #5
answered by Black Orchid 7
Always. The reason for my truthfulness is that some of the questioners are genuinely in need of an answer. We all know there are 'spoof' questions but it is not always easy to spot one.
I think of myself, asking a serious question, hoping someone out there is capable and interested enough to help me.
2007-03-17 02:46:43
answer #6
answered by MANCHESTER UK 5
Yes !
Because, as an older adult. I feel My opinion's can help out the Younger people who come in here , Sorta like a " Dear Grandma " situation ..
2007-03-17 02:45:38
answer #7
answered by boopinangel 4
Yes. What would be the point in being fake on here?
2007-03-17 02:38:34
answer #8
answered by *♥♫Hedy♫♥* 6
Yes. If I lie my boyfriend will know because he has a yahoo answers account too :-) also if you lie you will always get found out in the end so there's no point.
2007-03-17 02:38:28
answer #9
answered by Tilly 5
There are numerous facets to my personality, and they all pop out at one time or another. I can't be botherered making up a spare version of myself, though, assuming that's what you mean. Still, I think even if you make up a character it's kind of you anyway. You can't avoid your own personality.
2007-03-17 02:44:09
answer #10
answered by The Mad Shillelagh 6
Alec Guinness was too busy being dead so unfortunately I had to portray myself.
2007-03-17 02:59:43
answer #11
answered by Benny Zuko, The All-Knowing cat 5