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So, the other day I was watching Def Jam Poetry on Demand, and some of my wife's friends came over. I figured that since they are black college educated students, they would get the importance of it, and left it on. Instead they made fun of what they were wearing, and how they spoke. It was as if they did not want to listen to what they were saying and make sense of it. When it was over they said, I'm glad thats over. I love my wife and her friends, but as an inspiring poet, (I write a bit) How do I enlighten them or what do I do? My wife said that people are on different but not higher levels, which I know, and said that I can't do anything about it. I am very sad today, I feel like my whole purpose of being deep, or obtaining the wisdom, is not needed. I know I was once like them, but how do I save them?

2007-03-17 02:18:13 · 6 answers · asked by Shawn J 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

It is kind of my goal to unite the entire human race, but to know that someone this close to me is clueless, and that I can't reach out and say something without offending, makes me feel selfish, small, and disabled. I mean they came into our house, loud talking, (okay they are a little ghetto, who isn't.?), and kept talking over the poets, and missed the point and disrupted me from listening.

2007-03-17 02:45:27 · update #1

6 answers

You don't "save" anyone who isn't ready. Just continue with your own writings and musings and be yourself. Obviously your wife chose well when she married you and you are her best friend ever. Learn from her as to how she explains about the place where her friends are coming from. All of us are on our own separate journey through this life and we are all on different levels of consciousness. All we can do is encourage one another on the journey. We are all going to get somewhere and it won't necessarily be the same destination. Go on with your journey and be productive.

2007-03-17 02:32:40 · answer #1 · answered by sashali 5 · 1 0

Maybe it was the wrong time, They really weren't there to watch TV no matter what was on. When women get together they like to talk. and enjoy there day. Don't be down on them for that. Not everyone can except poetry, and maybe they just had enough of it in college.No one can change others, so don't try, just enjoy it yourself.

2007-03-25 00:48:16 · answer #2 · answered by lennie 6 · 0 1

Know this...There's a time and place for everything....They may have truely enjoyed the show..I watched it too...Had they planned to come to see the show...You never know some ppl's mind set....
They were just in a differant mood at that time....
You would'nt have that performance at a BBQ......And it was a deep performance.......Loved it..

2007-03-17 09:24:31 · answer #3 · answered by southernpal4u 2 · 1 0

Face it! Women will gossip and evaluate other women. Not all of them but a majority of the women in America do it. They can't help it.
I know I will get thumbs down but it's ok. Most will be the women.Lol

2007-03-25 04:02:11 · answer #4 · answered by safetyusa 6 · 0 1

my friends wife wanted sex with me and her husband said OK. Anyway she played a recording of some poetry while we were doing it. next thing I knew I was rolling in the floor laughing cause I had this cartoon going on in my head of Bullwinkle resiting this poetry so I can't help you.

2007-03-24 22:01:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Different people have different tastes.

2007-03-17 10:04:33 · answer #6 · answered by thunor 5 · 0 1

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