In the beginning, it is a bit uncomfortable. But it should not be overly "painful". You and your baby are learning to breastfeed, and your nipples are just not used to being suckled. Plus, they are being suckled every 2 hours, on average. You get the point.
After the first few weeks, it doesn't hurt at all. And when she says it "feels good", it doesn't mean in a sexual way. Nature made it so it feels good to nurse your baby, but its different than when your husband does it. Nursing releases "feel good" horomones into your body, helping you relax, be more in tune with your baby, and feel more "motherly". It is also sleep inducing for you AND your baby.
If nursing hurts after the first minute of feeding, it means your baby is latched on wrong. All you do is break the latch with your finger, wait till your baby opens REALLY wide, then put your nipple in her mouth. Her bottom lip should be flared and her toungue underneath the nipple. It just takes some practice, like any new skill.
No matter what the bit of pain is in the begginning, I would not give nursing up for the world. It is so much better for your baby!
2007-03-17 03:30:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I found that it did hurt at first, but then after you get into the routine and get used to it you barely even feel it. I never found that it felt "good" unless I was really full and needed to be emptied. The beginning can be kind of painful, but it goes away within a week. It was way easier than bottles so it was worth it.
2007-03-17 09:40:40
answer #2
answered by In Luv w/ 2 B, 1 G + 1 3
This just depends on the person and how sensitive your skin is. Breastfeeding was very painful for me at first, but after awhile it got better. It is definitely worth the pain. Breast milk is light years better for babies than formula. It's also free, helps mom lose weight, and is more convenient than having to get up in the middle of the night to mix up a bottle of formula. Plus, you don't have to haul around bottles and formula when you go places.
2007-03-17 09:09:59
answer #3
answered by Joy in the Morning 3
Its different for everyone...typically women do expereince some 'latch on pain' in the first two weeks that decreases as time goes on...after you get to about 2 - 3 months it something you really enjoy!
2007-03-17 10:25:47
answer #4
answered by motherhendoulas 4
If the baby is latching on correctly it shouldn't hurt. And as far as it feeling does! Not in a sexual way, just the closeness and bonding. Soooo much easier too in the long run.
2007-03-17 09:17:35
answer #5
answered by zinntwinnies 6
it usually hurts for the first few weeks, as it did for me, but only the first minute of the feed, it dosent feel good at all sexually, thank god for that, even though u get pain, keep it up as its all worth it in the long run and once the pain stops its a very easy and quick thing to do, it beats bottle feeding any day, as ive done both
2007-03-17 09:53:16
answer #6
sometimes it hurts somewhat. if it hurts more than a little the baby probably is not latched on good and is pinching your nipple. when your friend said it felt good she probably meant its a bonding experience with your baby, not anything perverted.
2007-03-17 10:39:05
answer #7
answered by jon jon's girl 5
my girlfriend found that it hurt at first but discovered it was due to our son not being latched on properly but now she enjoys feeding him
2007-03-17 10:30:40
answer #8
answered by creme8888 3