Honestly, I have no clue. You're making me think too hard & I haven't had my morning coffee yet lol
2007-03-17 07:34:12
answer #1
answered by gitsliveon24 5
I don't think Jesus existed in the way portrayed in the bible, and certainly the bible is not a history book or an autobiography of Jesus.
The early Rabbinic record of the Jewish faith , a document called "Dialogue with Trypho", written by St Justin Martyr circ 160 AD recorded what is basically an argument that Just Martyr had with a Jewish man called Trypho. In this document, Trypho mentioned a "groundless report" and also clearly and unequivocally stated the early church had "invented" Christ. In the famous Ante-Nicene Library can be seen this passage that reads " "But Krist, if he has indeed been born and exists anywhere is unknown...And you, having accepted a groundless report, invented a Kristo for yourself."
I am sure I could fill several pages with other references that question the historical accuracy of the life of Christ, but the point is, that belief in the concept, the teaching and practise of true Christianity is ultimately good, the fact that it is based on a lie is fundamentally irrelevant.
2007-03-17 12:22:01
answer #2
answered by Boston Bluefish 6
He did come in a very special delivery - he was born of a virgin. Read the New Testament - Joseph was going to divorce her quietly, but an angel came to him and set him straight.
And as He grew, Jesus was sinless, so when He was crucified, he was the Sacrificial Lamb for all mankind.
and God is spelled with a capital G
glad you believe there is a God, do you know His Son Jesus?
commenting on one of the previous writers - Jesus was in the grave 3 days - not the 72 hours by western thought - but by eastern thought - in the grave Friday - Saturday - and Sunday when He arose - and He was there three days!
2007-03-17 05:07:25
answer #3
answered by tom4bucs 7
A son is not greater than his father. Nor is he the same one (a misteaching). The Christ (Messiah) had to be born human to atone for what the first man, "a son of God", lost ( for all his progeny): perfect human life-defect free, thus posessing the capability of living without end, here on earth. The Creator is a god of justice: "life for life". This is a legal case. To settle the accusation from God's challenger, Satan, the Devil, that Man would not live in harmony with God's wishes if pressed, Jesus lived and died in a flawless (read perfect) state.
For the creator of all the universe and life itself, planting the life force of His only begotten (directly created) son, into the womb of a faithful virgin was no biggy. Through His Holy Spirit, what He wills happens. Having come from God, the child was perfect, as was Adem, upon his "birth".
2007-03-17 05:36:31
answer #4
answered by LELAND 4
Jesus is nothing more than the son of a woman who's family used a story to protect her from the consequences of pre marital sex at the time.They probably had other reasons,they were after all of the proper bloodline that was supposed to spawn the "messiah" So perhaps they had a plan all along. Whatever the case they managed to shape events to fit the beliefs of many of the people,add to that the fact that they apparently spent the first couple decades of his life teaching him what he would need to know as far as religious knowledge,otherwise why do we hear virtually nothing about him for the first 30 years of his life. His birth to the beginning of his ministry are like a giant hole,yet if he was indeed the son of God wouldn't he be born with the knowledge to carry out his ministry,so why wait 3 decades? So I don't buy it, never did,it simply doesn't work.
2007-03-17 05:12:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Jesus was abused by his father who allowed him to die to serve his own agenda. God never sat down with his son and said, "Look at the plans I have for you son". If a mortal did that to his offspring he would be in jail. God allowed his son to die without realizing that most of the people in this World choose not to be Christian and could care less about Jesus Christ. If God had given his son immortality he would still be alive today working miracles. What other religion could compete with that? Perhaps God should have another child. Maybe this time He could get it right.
2007-03-17 05:17:51
answer #6
answered by liberty11235 6
Jesus is a profit sent by God to inform us the way to live and worship God. Jesus is not the son of God. He didn't die for our sins -although it's convenient for us to believe that-. I believe everyone will be judged by their personal actions. If we believe that God created us, then he has the right to tell us what we should do or shouldn't.
2007-03-17 05:14:13
answer #7
answered by YaYa 1
Jesus' actual father is God the Father.
With the help of Virgin Mary, Jesus' Mother and his foster father St. Joseph, Jesus was conceived and born in Bethlehem.
Jesus was born that way to save the people from their sins. God chose to impersonate Jesus to our likeness to test our belief in Him.
2007-03-17 05:14:39
answer #8
answered by PJA 4
Because by being born of a woman he went through the same thing we did; in other words from birth to death his flesh was 100% human. The conception of a virgin was of course supernatural, but the birth itself was natural. Many times we think that God doesn't have a true sense of what it is like to be in our place, surrounded by sin, seeing our loved ones die for what we think are cruel reasons, etc etc etc. But Christ had the complete human experience, from birth to death. God knows exactly what it is like to be human, to taste mortality, to feel pain, to experience loss.... basically - to suffer. And the only way God could know what if feels like to suffer is if he left the security of heaven and experienced human life for himself.
2007-03-17 05:13:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
...first... you need to get a copy of The Book... In the New Testament, Book of Matthew will explain it all... but for now, think on this... God (who can do anything)...cu'z He's God, decided to come to us... So how do "we" get here...? by being born... He needed to be born here too... (He wanted us to see that He was real too)... So... he found this wonderful sweet and untouched little Hebrew gal, named Mary...(and in ways we don't have a clue...remember, He's God)... got her pregnant... she gave birth to a son, and named Him Jesus... and you can read all about it in The Book... Try reading the Book of John first... or go to Blockbuster and rent the video... The Book of John...great movie... you'll see...
2007-03-17 05:10:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
God the Father
There is one and only one living and true God. …The eternal God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being.
God as Father reigns with providential care over His universe, His creatures, and the flow of the stream of human history according to the purposes of His grace. …God is Father in truth to those who become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
God the Son
Christ is the eternal Son of God. In His incarnation as Jesus Christ, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. …He honored the divine law by His personal obedience, and in His death on the cross, He made provision for the redemption of men from sin.
2007-03-17 05:05:53
answer #11
answered by RR 4