For over a year i have been having some kind of attacks. Just all of a sudden my stomach starts cramping then i get real sick feeling and feel like i am going to pass out. The last one i had was three nights ago, I was sick to my stomach with this one also. I am unable to even sit up i usally end up in the floor. here are my systems, cramps in my stomach shooting around my back, feeling like i am going to pass out, sometimes hot ,not always, talk real slow and my eyes felt heavy like i was medcated .Can anyone give me any idea what is going on with me. they usally come all of a sudden and last about 15 mintues the last one i could not shake for 30 mintues the worst one yet. i went to the doctor he is doing some blood work and wants to do other test. but i don't think he has any idea. I thought it might be panic attacks but i don't have fear with these.I feel like i am dyning when this happens. I am sick as a dog please help me if you can.
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