i am 14yr old girl (15 next week) and im about 5'5.5". I weigh about 113 bs. I want to be a high fashion model and i am doing some local things now. my question is do you think i will grow to be at least 5'8"?my mom is 5'5"-5'6" and my dad is about 5'9"( i know a little short) but my grandfathers are both over 6'. i got my period when i was a little younger then 14 (about a year and 4 months or so ago) and my mom told me that you grow for 2 years after your period becomes regular (mine became regular about 3 months ago or so). I am not so convinced and i really want to achieve my dream! also i have scoliosis(its irrelevant to my height)but when the doctor took an ex ray he said i have no growth on my pelvis area which affects growth(he said it usually completes growth around age 14 and i am 14 and it has even shown up yet)lastly my joints have been very achy at night lately not nessisarily while im sleeping but does this mean im growing?id really like some feedback/info! thanks!
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