You have to make eye contact and from that you get a feeling if she'd like you to approach her. You must reach out in some way. You look, you lock eyes, you find some way to start a conversation, "Do you come here often?" or just anything you can think of. Even the weather could be made into a conversation, like "How'd you manage to brave the storm to get here tonight?" You can't otherwise get a girl's number unless you're really good at telepathy and ESP! Keep in mind, most are as shy as you are! They just don't let on, that they're really shaking in their boots! But rule of thumb, you must get some feeling from whomever you're targetting, and usually their eyes will be saying yes or no. Body language works too, if you know the signs. Any flicking of hair indicates interest. A foot circling from the ankle while seated, indicates interest. Arms crossed while speaking to you, indicate wariness and uncertainty, like they want to put up a barrier between you and them. Any openness in a person's stance can be taken as an invitation for communication. There are books on body language which you could look into, for further hints that help you read welcome signs from people and the go-away signs. Like, if you're looking across the room, at some girl, and she looks away real fast, and avoids your eyes, she's not interested! The one who holds your glance a few seconds, and turns away slower, is more likely to want to speak further with you. It's all about sharpening your people perception I.Q. You'll get to be quite good at it, after awhile. Just takes some practice!
2007-03-16 14:51:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A smile first! See if she smiles back. If you she looks away then dont bother. If she stays looking for past 30 secs then just go up to the girl and say hello. chit chat and then ask her for her number
2007-03-16 14:27:47
answer #2
answered by nat 2
look buddy listen you start a conversations with her and than
you as for that number for example you walk to her and say hi or how you doing i see you here all the time but i have a change to say hi to you. i'm mike you live around here -yes ok thats good what is your favorite drink start conversations as soon you ready to leave then you could ask for that number if you please. when her drinks finish ask her can you buy her another drinlks just to continue that conversations
2007-03-16 14:34:58
answer #3
answered by marcel m 2
First show me your interest. Dance with me - offer to buy me a drink - show me you are truly interested in getting to know me and find out if I would be interested in going out some time. By then I will willing give you my number and hope that you call.
2007-03-16 14:28:16
answer #4
answered by Dee 3
the salad bar ?
" Are you going to eat that!"
2007-03-16 14:28:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
get her drunk ....
2007-03-16 14:26:52
answer #6
answered by nicholas 2