i don't consider myself Catholic or even Christian anymore but I was raised in the faith and sent to Catholic schools from kindergarten to 12th grade, i've recieved baptism, first communion, reconciliation, confirmation, and even last rites (because i was born with pnuemonia and believed to be dying), so in other words, i do know a thing or two about catholicism. the reason i don't follow anymore is because i questioned my faith and also a lovely World Religions class i had in 11th grade which opened my eyes. for the record though, i do not have anything against the church but after having the opportunity to study more about the other religions in this world I have taken a more spirtual approach to life rather than a religious one and no longer consider myself belonging to a specific belief system. In my own opinion I believe in a greater spirit, one of pure love that cares for all its creation even if you don't believe in it. Religions sometimes seem to give this greater spirit human characteristics and emotions which to me does not make any sense. I believe all prayers go to the same place no matter what your faith is. However i do believe that all religions in one way or another are generally good things.
to directly answer your question, I don't believe it's a "sin" to miss church. to be honest, you should be the one that wants to go. no one should be making that decision but you. don't you think "God would understand" so to speak, if you were sick? or even if you just weren't in the mood for church that day (which is a completely understandable human emotion). one shouldn't feel like they should be rewarded for going or guilty when they don't. it should be about believing and completely feeling closer to your creator by attending. ....now hmmmm...do i believe in the bible? I must say that i can only believe in it logically and historically. i do not and cannot take it literally, however i believe that the stories (and yes some historical fact) which it contains, conveys beautiful messages just as other holy books do, which can be studied and used in our everyday lives.
2007-03-16 14:55:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I attend Mass every Sunday and tryot on holy days of obligation. I am confirmed. I do feel guilty if I miss Mass because I like Mass and I feel I owe at least an hour of my time to the Lord to thank Him for all His blessings.
I believe that the Church's stance is that unless you are very ill, you are still to attend Mass. So yes I guess it would be considered a venial sin.
As for the Bible, I wouldn't say "believe in it." Catholics believe that it is written by humans with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and records the Word of God. Catholics believe that some things in the Bible are to be taken literally, while other things not.
2007-03-24 14:10:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Catholic's are required to attend Mass every Sun. morning or Sat. night. It is a mortal sin to miss church on purpose. If you are sick or there is no possible way for you to get to church then you are excused. I am confirmed. You usually get confirmed when you are a teenager. Catholic apostles and disiples wrote the bible so yes, I do believe in it. It is kind of like a textbook for Catholic's. God promised that the Catholic faith will always be alive until the end of the world so I feel confident that I am in the right faith. I know the Catholic faith can be challenging and a lot of people criticize us so I do question my faith once in a while but I pray about it and come to a better understanding of what I believe in.
Hope this helps!
2007-03-17 12:54:29
answer #3
answered by cocoalabean 2
I go to Mass every Sunday, and, during this time of Lent, on Wednesday evenings, too. I was confirmed 2 years ago at the age of 30.
If you can't make Mass because you're sick, that's okay. It's not a sin. Missing Mass is only a sin if you have no good reason for missing, like you just didn't feel like going or let other things get in the way.
God bless.
2007-03-20 09:16:10
answer #4
answered by Danny H 6
Thank you for your question.
I go to Church everyday and am confirmed.
I question my faith all the time... it is healthy to continue to seek a better understanding and to want to hear God's will in one's life and not just do things out of habit.
The only precept the Church has concerning mass attendance is that one must go to mass on Sunday. If one is sick or traveling on Sunday, it is not a sin to miss mass.
When I do travel, though, I normally make arrangements either not to travel on Sunday or to find a Church through an online search to attend mass at where ever it is that I am going (or I go before I travel).
Do I believe the Bible? Yes. I would say, though, that most likely if you are a part of a Christian tradition coming from the Reformation thta we believe the Bible in different ways. For Catholics, the Bible is a part of the Word of God. The original preaching of the Apostles (that is the message given them by Jesus), which was taught orally before the sacred books of the New Testament were written down, is also for us a part of this "Word". It is called Sacred Tradition. So, whereas other Christians might call themselves people of the book (the Bible), Catholic Christians (as well as Orthodox Christians - since they are so similar) would call themselves a people of the Word (Jesus - the living Word), present in the Scriptures when they are being proclaimed, in the community when it is gathered together, in the person of the ordained minister (by the charismatic gift of the Holy Spirit confered upon him by ordination) and in the sacraments, the divine mysteries given to us by Christ for our sanctification and to garantee his continual saving work and presence.
I do feel guilty for missing Church if it was due to my own laziness. If it was due to something else, like illness or I just could not go, yes I regret not having been able to go, but I wouldn't feel the need to ask God for forgiveness.
May God Bless you.
2007-03-21 04:30:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Catholicism is not merely a type of Christianity, it is Christianity. A Catholic is obligated to attend mass once per week, thus keeping the sabbath holy.
If one is temporarily ill, there is nothing wrong with staying home from mass that week. Indeed, attending mass while sick might potentially get many more people sick so all around it is better to stay home.
If one is unable to attend mass because of a permanent injury/condition/whatever, it is not a sin to miss mass.
Catholics read from the Scriptures at every mass. As to whether or not they read the BIble on their own time, I don't know about others but I do.
2007-03-19 03:30:00
answer #6
answered by Daver 7
Catholics are obligated to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. I also attend several times during the week.
Don't be silly, if one is really sick, of course it is not a sin to miss Mass!
I can't say if I would feel guilty if I missed Mass on a Sunday- because I don't miss it. If I am unable to go to Mass during the week, I do miss it in my heart- like you miss one you love when you are apart. The Eucharist is an important part of my life.
The Catholis Church put the Bible together ! Of course we believe the Bible! Most of our Mass is straight out of scripture!
2007-03-23 14:24:37
answer #7
answered by Mommy_to_seven 5
I was born and raised Catholic. I go to Mass every weekend, unless sick (which isn't a sin). If I do miss for some other reason, I go to confession to reconcile my sin and be free from guilt.
I don't question my faith as a whole, but often wonder about certain aspects of it. It is then that I seek to LEARN.
I believe in the Bible.
2007-03-23 00:45:26
answer #8
answered by Lolly 3
I am a cradle catholic, I attend church every Sunday, unless I'm sick. I don't feel guilty if I miss church due to illness, but I do feel I need to make every effort to attend each week. It's not so much about it being a requirement, but it is an opportunity for me to recharge my faith and belief every week. I am confirmed and I do not question my faith.
2007-03-16 14:33:39
answer #9
answered by Devaneymom 3
I go to church weekly. I attend what is called the "Tridentine Mass", it is the most beautiful, reverent Mass. To be a Catholic you are confirmed, part of the process. It is not a sin to miss Mass because your sick. It is a sin to miss Mass if your just lazy and didn't want to go because you wanted to sleep in or something which does not prevent you from attending.
I do not question my faith at all. I am a convert from Assembly of God (Pentecostal Protestant). As a result I had (and have to) know every aspect of my faith to speak to my family whom I love, but who HATE Catholicism because of their misunderstandings, and lies spread about the faith. They are of what I call "the Jack Chick" crowd. Sad and frankly at times disgusting.
Catholics absolutely believe in the Bible. We read through the whole Bible every three years.
There is only one Catholic church. I posted a few links for you to review. Very interesting stuff.
2007-03-18 04:30:08
answer #10
answered by Michelle_My_Belle 4