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I took a test over the Internet and it showed that I am anorexic. It drives me nuts, I always have to force myself to eat, and starving like crazy. I am 5'8" and 113lbs, and 25 inch waist, yet I want to have a 20 inch waist. I also want to be a model. I feel so lost and helpless, I am so sick of lying about how much and when I eat. How can I get back to normal life? I don't want to go to any docs, I really want to help myself.

2007-03-16 14:02:34 · 7 answers · asked by Roxolana 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

7 answers

Okay, i have almost the same problem... But you are pushing yourself to have a 20 inch waist. When what you really want is a 26-27 inch waist. And you say you don't want to see any doctors, you could try seeing a therapist or a food director. And you want to gain weight from my point of view you sound to skinny. Gain weight. Just don't eat so much that you get sick the next day. If you are looking to gain weight ( which you should) eat food with lots of card and protein eat scrambled eggs on the weekend and just eat food packed with carbs and protine. If you want to be a model sometimes you can't be to skinny or they will not accept you and i think that your weight gain goal should be atleast 125-130 lbs. Just look at Tyra Banks she in in the 145 weight range and she is a beautiful model, you could be like her! Beautiful and the right weight! I hope that i inspired you to gain a little weight and that you will try your hardest to do so.

2007-03-16 14:14:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

first, im sure youre beautiful the way you are dont worry about your weight like that!.. im 15 and 5'5" and 113 with a 24 inch waist but i wish i was skinnier like any girl..a 20 inch waist is not only unrealistic but its dangerous! just start to eat normal..i dont mean eat chips and dounuts but fruit drink milk ect.. also if you want to be a model.. youre perfectly capable at your weight and height (im jealous that youre that tall!!) but you might even be to skinny.. im fairly skinny at that weight but im 3 inches shorter you must be a skeleton! think about this..if you want to be a model and grow you need to eat and nurish yourself! you are stunting your growth by starving! dont go for a 20 inch waist!! im a model and this is mainly why i want to help you out on this becauase you are chasing an unrealistic dream of being so skinny.. models should be skinny skinny skinny but not skeletal no matter what you think!! how old are you.. give me an email back and i can help you out! please do this for yourself!

2007-03-16 21:12:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

im 5'8 and 113 also wanted to be a model too! i watch my weight and i dont even know how many inches my waist is. then again i dont have a tape measure. neways it depends on how your built too. if you really do wanna help yourself you need to ask for help and go to doctors to make sure that your eating healthy and taking in enough calories and maintaining a healthy body image. good luck!

2007-03-16 22:00:29 · answer #3 · answered by ~*DiieT cOkE*~ 2 · 1 0

Babe ! You are so beautiful!

and that's with your 25" waist - -

it's all genetics - some of us are born skinny - some of us
carry our weight really well - because we have a big frame
(this is the whale speaking)

keep you body in great shape*and you be the mistress of your body
you tell it how it will be - and eat well - get your 5 fruits and veggies a day
make sure you get your fiber

best of luck!

beautiful! ;-)

2007-03-16 21:08:21 · answer #4 · answered by tom4bucs 7 · 1 0

Turn yourself over to loved ones who know your situation and care about you. If you are truly anorexic, you probably won't think clearly about your weight. You must let your loved ones decide, as anorexia is a disorder that must be sanely dealt with immediately. I had a cousin who almost died of it. Please, get some help. Trust whoever knows best, even if it's doctor, as they could save your life.

2007-03-16 21:08:22 · answer #5 · answered by blueruble 5 · 2 0

I really wanna help you, but I'm in the same situation as you, and I don't know how to get out of this either.

2007-03-16 21:06:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you are perfect, your hired, heres my card...

2007-03-16 21:06:35 · answer #7 · answered by who me? 5 · 1 0

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