There are no "good" diet pills. Eat less food, exercise more.
2007-03-16 13:56:29
answer #1
answered by TitoBob 7
The diet pills that you take when you exercise and eat right. Those are the best. Doesn't really matter which pills they are actually, could even be two sugar pills or none at all. Really, the only way to lose weight quickly and keep it off is to eat the right food and right amount of calories and get a good workout in your routine 3-5x a week. There is no magical pill (if there were, obesity would not be such an epidemic it is today). So instead of waiting around for the special pill, be proactive and treat your body how it should be treated!
2007-03-16 21:09:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
My friend was taking cylaris and she losted 12 lbs in 2 weeks since the last time I talked to her . But she also cut back on her eating. You can find those pills at walmart for about $20. They are one of the cheapest diet pills that I know of. Also you should try the 3 day diet because that really works. I lost 7lbs in 3 days. ***Good Luck!!!***
2007-03-16 21:10:18
answer #3
answered by Tierra B 1
Don't take diet pills. Drink Green Tea, and lots of it. It helps boost your metabolism and i an amazing anti-oxident as well. Just make sure to drink a lot of water and excersise and eat healthy at the same time. GREEN TEA. Diet pills rarely work.
2007-03-16 20:54:01
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
eat less - exercise more ($19.95 please) JK!!!!!!
nah - pills are not the answer - here's what you do..
figure out how many calories are needed to sustain your current weight - then cut it by 15% -
so if your count was 2400 drop it to 2000
1800 down to 1500,,
1500 to 1200-1300
and eat SIX (6) meals a day - keep that campfire burning
Breakfast like a Queen/King
midmorning snack or fruit
Luncheon like a Princess?Prince
midafternoon snack of carrot or celery sticks
Dinner like a pauper
snack on yogurt before you go to bed - to put the correct
floras in your digestive system
and remember to drink 1/2 oz of water for every pound of weight you carry - that will help carry the bad stuff out!
and a multiple vitamin would also be a great idea - there's your pill
best of luck!
2007-03-16 20:56:35
answer #5
answered by tom4bucs 7
one is xenadrine is worked i was 215 and i ended up 182or try eating fish or chicken,wait 6 months you can really see the differents i all so lost 35 pounds in 5 months on a simi veg diet al so stay a way from pop.and junk food.there.s 2way one with pills and one with out pills.good luck i,m gointg to start the xenadrine pills they are the best for me. it may work for you.
2007-03-16 20:59:55
answer #6
answered by i,m here if you need to talk. 6
NV Rapid Weight Loss
2007-03-16 20:52:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I know of diet pills that help you lose weight in the fingers, helping you spell better.
2007-03-16 20:57:53
answer #8
answered by Jrahdel 5
adipex. but u need a rx
2007-03-16 20:52:21
answer #9
answered by braille 5