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I HATE my mom. Seriously, i'm 14 and i still don't get to choose what i wear. She's always making me wear 80's and 90's clothes which she thinks is "pretty". Every time i ask her to buy jeans or T shirts (that are well fitted and never show a lot of skin) she'll just say she just doesn't want me dressing "unclassy". My family is vietnamese so they are VERY strict. i have to go to a private all girls catholic school, get straight A's, and manage to stay under 100lbs. I think they expect too much of me! In 6th grade she pushed me so hard that i got an eating disorder and almost committed suicide.
Is it me who has the problem or is it them? My parents and I hardly ever talk but they annoy me so much even when they're not in the house! And even though we have a maid, they always make me do the laundry.And thats not all. Whenever i buy more than 20 dollars from itunes, they get mad at me! I'm not allowed to go to friends houses or have any other type of freedom! it's getting on my nerves

2007-03-16 12:41:10 · 19 answers · asked by somethingcompletelyrandom 3 in Family & Relationships Family

19 answers

they're your parents and you're stuck with them for life. make the best of it for now... i think you should stop fighting them on everything, it's only making you miserable. tell them how you feel, and if they don't listen then find a friend to vent your frustrations to. it sucks but it gets better.

also, if they're forcing you to stay under 100 lbs, speak up to someone about it. a teacher or your doctor... perhaps they can reason with them. if not, then they can find you a more stable home

anyway, in no time you'll be out of that house. so finish school and get a degree so you can make your own money, start your own family and create your own rules.

2007-03-16 12:50:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

sounds like a tough situation, very strict, u obviously havent seen the show gilmore girls, Lane on the show, her mom was very strict, not as strict as your parents but i suggest do what she did. find some way to make money of your own and then spend it on the clothes and whatever else you want and then hide them under the floor boards or anywhere they wont look., as far as the weight thing, they are crazy because you cant stay under 100 lbs
for long because that is unhealthy and it can cause all kinds of health problems. do you like the maid? is she nice? if so befriend her and see how she can help u with your situation. anything to make it easier for you. just try to keep your head up. have a close friend because in two years you can emancipate your self and you can take cake of your self. go live with the friend.
Good luck

2007-03-16 12:56:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Honestly honey you need to just go to your parents and just ask them to sit down and TALK with you. Communication is the best key when you're in the situation you're in. If talking to them doesnt help or they arnt open to disscussion, then I suggest going to your school counselor and asking her for advice on what to do. You should not be so stressed at your age, that youre having a eating disorder. There should not be that much stress in the world. Eat what you want to eat!!!! Being under 100 pounds is not healthy. Are your parents aware of your eating disorder? If not, I suggest you tell them RIGHT AWAY!!! This is a serious matter and you could loose your life over it, trust me....it happens everyday. If they do know, again Im saying to go to your school counselor, they are trained to help teens out in situations like this. Also, I dont know what your faith may be, but mines is in the LORD and I pray to him each and everyday to guide me through. The Lord never puts more on you than you can Bear. You will be in my prayers. GOOD LUck with all

2007-03-16 12:51:19 · answer #3 · answered by Shezsoofyne 1 · 2 0

Just hang in there. Talk with your parents, especially about the whole weight thing. (Seriously, No 14 year old can be under 100lbs and not have at least some kind of health problem.) Now I don't know about the clothes but like I said, just sit down and talk with them. If all goes well, R-E-L-A-X!!!! Cuz it will be all over.

2007-03-16 13:11:02 · answer #4 · answered by . 2 · 1 0

Awww poor baby. I sooo feel for you cuz mine did it to me too. I mean, it was sooo bad that she bought me parachute pants when no one was wearing them. My hair was always wack cuz i couldn't get a perm. I had to go to an all girls school. I couldn't wear make up. I couldn't go to my friends houses. OMG it was a living hell. I'm 37 now and I have my own kid. Times have really changed. I wish I had an answer for you. Maybe they're over protective or maybe there's something else behind their decisions. You are at the age where kids do hate their parents. I hated mine too. omg they were the boogey man and his wife. they were mean, they were just grrrrr grrrr grrrr to me. i thought I would NEVER understand. Now that my 12 year old HATES me, I understand. Hang in there and try to deal with them. it's hard I know. It's almost impossible but really, they mean their best. Parents can only do what they think is right. I"m wondering if you have brothers and sisters and if anything that you're dealing with now has anything to do with them.

2007-03-16 12:57:33 · answer #5 · answered by cyn d 1 · 1 0

They probably mean well but i can see your point. It does sound like they should let up a bit, try talking to a teacher or guidance counselor or someone you can trust who might be able to act as a mediator in your situation with your parents. Hope all goes well.

2007-03-16 12:50:29 · answer #6 · answered by ann t 5 · 1 0

Gurl I wuld talk 2 ur parents and tell them how u feel... Do they know about u almost commiting sucide? what about ur eating disorder? these are things they should know about tell them they are the ones puttin so much pressure on u that is making u want to do these sort of things! good luck!

2007-03-16 13:04:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First of all go to your school and get what is called a "JOB PERMIT" you can get them from the age of 13.5 years old and up. Get a job and spend your money on whatever your little mind desires. If mommy and daddy don't approve, who cares it is your money. If you want ITUNES go get a prepaid credit card at a target and us that with conjunction with the money you get from a job and get as many ITUNES as you want. Don't depend on mom and dad to continually support what they don't understand.

2007-03-16 12:52:36 · answer #8 · answered by todaedj 1 · 2 0

Be glad that you have a roof to live under and parents that care about your well-being. There are a lot of people in the world that envy you and your problems

2007-03-16 12:45:31 · answer #9 · answered by Tiger by the Tail 7 · 3 0

Talk to someone at your school about it..you have to stay under 100 lbs ..weight restrictions are never good...But understand at your age we all hate our parents

2007-03-16 13:43:19 · answer #10 · answered by BLONDE BEAUTY 4 · 1 0

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