well one way is you can get braids and be natural awhile maybe your problem is someone put a perm in your hair to frequently also you could get a weave tracks or fusion microlink and wait till it grows back . i suggest you put another perm for a t least 3 months just to give your hair a breathier but good luck
2007-03-16 11:47:45
answer #1
answered by courtney p 2
Believe it or not, black hair is alot more delicate than straight hair because of the curl pattern. The hair breaks off easily when we overprocess it by layering relaxers over relaxers, and/or pressing over the relaxer instead of getting a retouch. If it's really, really damaged, the best thing to do is to "get a good cut" from someone who knows what they're doing. If you have a big head like me, make sure you have bangs in the front that are a little longer than the back. Your hair is trying to fight you back and let you know that it wants to rest! Get it cut, wash every 3-4 days and condition well so that your scalp is always clean. It will grow, but you have to clean up the damage. And make friends with your hair, so what if it's nappy, if our hair was meant to be bone straight, it would be.
2007-03-16 11:19:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
YES...you should stop relaxing your hair because obviously your hair cannot handle the chemicals...people often forget and don't realize that a relaxer is a real chemical and can do real damage...go natural and if you want your hair straight get it pressed out...this summer get some sort of braided style so you won't have o touch your hair and it can grow...
...in the meantime I suggest you get Motions hair products ... try the Moisturizing after shampoo conditioner...or use Queen Helen's Cholesterol for severely damaged hair...
...relaxers (perms), heat, tight styles such as ponytails or tight braids, too many styling products like that brown gel and mousse (both of which have alcohol in them and dry out the hair) are all bad for your hair and lead to breakage...
2007-03-16 13:50:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes Perms cause major breakage! Keep it natural. I have really nappy hair and I used to color it a lot, then my hair started falling out. I went to a hair dresser and she said the chemicals in perms and hair dye cause breakage. Next time you go to the store, go to the hair aisle ans look for cholesterol. I know that sounds gross but it works great! It works as a deep conditioner, just put it in your hair after you shampoo and leave it in for 5 to 10 min. wash it out. It makes your hair stronger. Also stay away from blow drying and flat ironing but if you must (like I do) spray a thermal protect-ant on your hair first, this prevents dryness
2007-03-16 11:26:00
answer #4
answered by chellstar7 2
You can have a relaxer and still have healthy hair. Most importantly, MOISTURIZE and use as little heat as possible. I use Lekair Cholesterol conditioner, a moisturizing shampoo, and I moisturize my hair twice a day. Are you using heat on your hair regularly? Black hair is extremely fragile, so you have to be very careful with how you care for it, whether you have a relaxer or you're natural.
In addition, make sure you sleep with a satin bonnet or scarf over your hair at night. If you hair is extremely damaged right now, you should cut the damaged ends so you can start working your way to a healthy head of hair.
I would recommend going to www.blackhairmedia.com and doing some research. You can find out a ton of information on how to keep black hair healthy.
2007-03-16 16:04:23
answer #5
answered by Rachel M 1
perms make hair thinner so this is probably why it's breaking so much. what you have to do is find a good shampoo and conditioner. i would reccommend loreal paris vive pro find the one that restores hair. or pantene could also work well. and you need a good leave in conditoner. garnier has one and so does bumble and bumble. make sure you handle your hair gently and it should be ok. you should refrain from blowdrying or ironing it at all. if you need someway to control your hair, you can pick it up in a hairclip after you wash it or buy a frizz free serum for your hair. hope this helps =)
2007-03-16 11:18:27
answer #6
answered by i z z i e 5
yes lose the perm.
try to put olive oil in your hair for like 15 mins every other day then wash it out with a baby shampoo. *not all the way out*
or there is root stimulator called "olive oil" that is sold at most stores and it work real well.
2007-03-16 11:18:09
answer #7
answered by VeganCat 3
i m black and go the dominican salon, my hair was breaking from perms and they dont use chemicals they use blow dryers and roll ur hair up to sraighten it out. i havent had a perm in 6mos and my hair is healthy very healthy
2007-03-16 12:59:03
answer #8
answered by mcutiegirl 2
you should use Garnier nutris or Pert plus..or Pantine Pro-v All of these work very well. But the one I recomend most since ur black I waould go with Pantine Pro-v
2007-03-16 11:12:10
answer #9
answered by candysdancingm_n_m 2
stop doing your perm, get your hair trimmed at least once a month, & use panten-prov for shampoo & condition.
2007-03-16 11:15:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous