I think that only our Creator could answer ( and he did it partially in a very clever way) of the question " Why we are here?". I do strongly believe that despite the prevailing chaos and evil we experience too frequently and intense, the goodness will win the battle. ( Maybe that sounds too naive, but If we do not keep the hope we are Lost).
God is the Almighty, the One who can judge ( though not being Temida), the most merciful and loving. We could say that God is Love, God is wisdom and Hope..
Have a great day!
2007-03-16 10:25:58
answer #1
answered by sunflower 7
Well there is no way to prove for sure the answer to your question, just like there's no way to prove it wasn't an invisible, omnipresent, omnipotent coca-cola can that put us here.
Personally, I don't think there is a God. In fact I'm so sure I'd be willing to bet my soul on it (and I am as I don't believe in souls either).
I think this is all as much mythology as he Greek and roman pagan Gods are mythology.
I think we are here by inevitability. I mean, if we live in an infinite universe then surely there are an infinite amount of possibilities, and a such an infinite amount of possible life forms, and we are one of them. I think it's absurd that so many people have decided that sense they can't answer the question logically right now, they just give up and pretend there is a God.
Me, I've accepted that there is no more purpose for my existence than to reproduce and die. Everything else done along the way is something I do to make me feel good. It's a hard way to live, with no real purpose, but I try my hardest to make something tangible of my life.
2007-03-16 10:28:18
answer #2
answered by Friedrich Nietzsche 1
One thing I have learned is that questioning Gods reasoning never does anyone any good. All we have to reason with is human thought that is born into sin. I was asked once by a promenant preacher, "who are we to Question God?" It took awhile but later on I understood what he meant. The only thing I can think of, and again its with a sinful mind, when the devil fell from heavan and took angels with him, God needed to make a place where souls could pick where they would want to go. Perhaps birth and death are really a purge of spirits that God creates. Funny though, that really doesn't wash because God already knows who will accept and who will reject. I guess its the choice that must be given to all spirits since the defection of Satan. True colors I suppose
2007-03-16 10:35:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Ok. Go pop you up some popcorn,get a cold drink and Get comfortable.I'll wait!
Here goes.
God,The Creator is named Jehovah.
Superstious religious leaders decided Gods name was too holy to be said by man.Check out Exodus 6:3 for an exsamplr of where The Creator's name was taken out.
As far as our purpose on earth please read Genesis 1:26-28
See the amazing thing is Jah's purpose for us has not changed.
Adam and Eve made the decision they would rather listen to Satan than to Jehovah.(Genesis 3:1-7)
What we are going through is the result of Eve and Adam's decision to follow Satan rather than Jah.
It's like,if you have a son and you tell him not to get drunk and drive.And you tell him over and over again but he continues to drive drunk,eventually you will have to allow him to suffer the consenquences for his action.
Adam and Eve thought they knew better than God how to run their life.
We are coming to the understanding that we can not function independently from Jah.All that has gone,from then until now has been mans attempt to rule independant of God(Jerimiah 10:23;Jer.17;5)
Now here's the good news.Please read Isaiah 55:9-11.
Ok. what that means is,the purpose Jah has for humans and the earth will still happen.Man will live on a paradise earth free from disease ,trouble ,dispair and death.Jah has already spoken it.
At this point I would like to direct you to your local Kingdom Hall.Get in touch with the Jehovah's Witnesses and they will answer any and all questions relating to this topic.
The Witnesses are willing and able to give you some reai answers to your real questions.
Contrary to popular belief The Witnesses will only study with you if you want them to.
If you no longer want to hear what they have to say,all you have to do is say"I no longer wish to carry on this conversation.." End of story.
The Witnesses get such a bad rapp because some people would rather hide when we come around or act nice until we are gone and then talk about us like we are dogs.But people haven't tried to tell us the truth and just say"Hey I don't you coming around my place anymore.."
If anyone would just be honest
we would put them on a list and never knock on thier door again.
Please read Ezekiel 9:3-6
We talk to those who are signing and moaning.
2007-03-16 11:41:56
answer #4
answered by Robert J W 3
God created souls to be companions and co-creators with God. The only true way to be a companion and to love is to have free will or choice in the matter, so God granted this. Some souls started creating all kinds of things which was good. All of this was in spirit. Some of these souls started to get enamored with there own creations so much so they only focused on that aspect and forgot about God. As they got further way from God they got lost and actually worked on creating material things and working toward these things. They descended into the material world and tried to "get ahead" by creating wealth and power that their ego's craved.
Of course these souls are us. As we focus on ego or self and ignore God we feel lost and try to get better by being better than others, by increasing our status, wealth, etc. Of course this is the false way to live.
As we focus on God, service toward others, loving God, loving others and loving our-self we allow the connection to God to return. The connection is always there however we have forgotten it but we can remember it. This is seeking the truth or light.
So now we incarnate in the earth so that we can experience different aspects and remember our connection to God. We spend "time" here and other places to work toward returning home to God as a companion in the original creation.
That is the brief explanation.
2007-03-16 11:01:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
God is our loving Father in Heaven. We are His children. This life is a test. This earth was created for us to learn about the difference between good and bad. Then to make the choice on our own to follow the path of love. So we can return to our Father and continue to become like Him. So we may have eternal families of our own.
2007-03-16 10:24:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I need to say that I believe there is a male and female God. Both are equal.
Who is God - God/Goddess - all-loving, all-forgiving higher powers who give options and guidance to us when we meditate/pray for help.
Who put us here - We, ourselves, along with God/Goddess put us here. We wanted to come, that is why we were born. We chose the families we were born to to learn valuable lessons that make us who we are and help us to discover our main purpose.
Why are we here - We are here to show love and celebrate truth and honesty with each other. We are to learn about everyone else and make meaningful connections, figure out our primary goal on earth and accomplish that goal.
2007-03-16 10:31:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
When God created mankind Adam and Eve our first grandparents sinned, that is they grabbed as it were the plug of life and pulled, not only did there spiritual life that is there relationship with God die but the bodys did too, but The Second member of The Godhead Jesus Christ came and lived as a human so YOU can have a new life "IF" your willing to meet the conditions upon which life is offered, in The Bible Jesus refured to His Father as Abba which means pappa or Daddy. find out more about salvation free on line bible lessons www.amazingfacts.org talk to me also wgr88@yahoo.com God bless
2007-03-16 10:25:42
answer #8
answered by wgr88 6
God has always been, He is our Maker and Creator, He created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1)
Just as every builder has a builder, so creation has a creator, and it is God.
Hebrews 3:4
For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.
-God made us to love Him- when sin entered the world, God tells us many horrible things would come into place....and His plan of salvation was from the beginning, to bring glory to His name. (John 1:1)
He has always been, since the beginning of time, and He is all spirit- but became Jesus Christ to die on the cross and rose again the 3rd day, so we who believe would be saved from sin and hell. He hates sin, and it is not allowed in heaven-that is why He made a way for us to be set free and forgiven, through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:8-9)
Psalm 47:8
God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne.
-His kingdom is Heaven- and He is holy and just and righteous and perfect, and all loving and merciful and gracious and kind....He is all good and there is no bad in Him.
Psalm 109:21
But you, O Sovereign LORD, deal well with me for your name's sake; out of the goodness of your love, deliver me.
-He is mighty and knows all- He sees all ( Hebrews 4)
He is in control and holds our breath in HIS hands---He knows our going out and our coming in-- 2 Chronicles 16:9
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. You have done foolishly in this, for from now on you will have wars."
-God is love, and He has done great and marvelous things and he wants those whom he has chosen, who are saved in Him to go out and share the gospel, because there are many and will be many who will repent of sin, and follow Him....His word is awesome, and powerful and the entire meaning of life is JESUS CHRIST. That is why we live! Jesus says:
John 5:24
"I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.
2007-03-16 10:31:52
answer #9
answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6
I believe that there is a supreme force of some kind that guides us, but regarding the classic "Judeo-Christian God," I honestly can't say. But I dislike the idea that one religion holds the absolute truth and the rest are dirt.
2007-03-16 10:28:40
answer #10
answered by Gordon Freeman 4