The Monkey style
Even though it is thought of a comical approach to martial arts, the Monkey style is actually one of the deadliest martial arts systems in the world. This style dates back to the 1840s, when missionaries were first allowed passage into China.
The Monkey style all began when a peaceful maned named See resisted arrested after accidentally killing an officer of the law. See was sentenced to prison for his crime, where he spent all of his time watching the prison apes. He found them amazing, and would watch them from his cell, which his also helped to pass the time.
Over his ten year prison sentence, he studied the way the apes moved, paying very close attention to how they defended themselves and fought each other. Then, when he was released from prison, he adapted his style, becoming known as the Monkey Master. A lot of people joined him along the way, and began to learn his Monkey system which is still very effective today.
2007-03-16 09:22:18
answer #1
answered by Village Player 7
1- you cannot kill/incapacitate someone with one finger unless you are infected with smallpox or ebola.
one touch kills/imcapacitations are a load of crap.
2- the "D34dly CMA" (chinese martial arts- what you refer to as kung fu) is the one that trains hard and realistically.
This is something that (unfortunately) many CMA's have lost.
The concept of San da or san shou (free sparring) is lost on many cma gyms. So much so that "san da" or "san shou" is considered by many to be its own style that has sprung up around the ruleset for these type of tourneys.
The deadliest style today is one that trains realistically and trains against opponents that use full resistance. Even in just drills you should work up to full resistance.
many many CMA gyms and teachers DON'T teach this way. they teach solely forms and solo-practice.
While there is no denying there is a place for solo-practice as every martial art does it in some way (boxers hit the heavy bag or shadow box, bjj guys practice "upas", etc.). I am hard pressed to find a place in training for forms.
Simply put, the guy who practices the "deadliest" cma is the one who trains the best. That would mean the most effectively, not the one who puts the most time into it. its the one who trains hardest realistically.
2007-03-16 09:51:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
White Crane, Whooping Crane*, Hsing/Xing Yi, Shaolin Monk Fist*, are all 'standard' impacts of Okinawan martial arts. whether that's going to be spoke of that there are over a million,000 years of touch between the Ryukyu islands and China commencing interior the late six hundred's*. So there are various, many a threat impacts of Okinawan martial arts. Goju Ryu grow to be heavily prompted by employing White Crane, specifically using fact of Xie Zhongxiang (Ryuru Ko) who taught Higaonna Sensei his altered gadget of Whooping Crane Kung Fu. Goju Ryu grow to be additionally prompted by employing Shaolin Monk Fist, and Baguazhang, whilst Miyagi Sensei spent his time in China interior the Fuzho Province (additionally Fujian). The linear type which you're searching for comes from the Shaolin effect. there's an incredible guy or woman to ask any questions approximately Goju Ryu on right here. His sn is nwohioguy, and he's very knowledgeable. EDIT - to fulfill your starvation for the Tiger type and that's involvement in Karate's progression, i will supply this. Tiger grow to be a variety taught on the Shaolin Temple so it ought to have some effect. even inspite of the indisputable fact that many distinctive varieties have had effect over the years, the main outstanding are the White Crane of Shaolin and Hsing Yi. Shotokan is of comparable origins as Goju Ryu with Sokon/Bushi Matsumura examining White Crane as nicely in China, and Ankoh Itosu examining below him. those 2 experienced Gichin Funakoshi who formulated Shotokan from that whilst in Japan. EDIT - Yup, i could ought to 2d Shihan J approximately Okinawan Karate being prompted by employing better than only China. (I left it purely interior the China realm using fact grow to be your concentration, yet there grow to be plenty happening to effect the enhance of that section.)
2016-10-01 00:53:44
answer #3
answered by ? 4
The style has little to do with lethality. To be quite honest.... you could have the best martial artist in the known world fight someone who is extremely tough and angry.... and the person with no training may kill the kung fu guy. What matters most is the fighter.... and the will of the fighter. I have seem much smaller men defeat larger opponents because the fear made them sharp... and they got lucky shots in lol.
I wouldn't consider any kung fu to be super deadly... but thats just my opinion, not fact.
2007-03-16 10:03:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Wing chung is the deadliest form. It's Grandmaster is William Cheung, the man Bruce Lee called "the best streetfighter in the world".
2007-03-16 13:21:13
answer #5
answered by James G 1
It depends on the fighter not the style. Also, check out verma kuli, its a indian martial art. They teach you to neutralise people with a single finger.
2007-03-16 09:14:29
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
IMO I think Eagle claw. It has great strikes, grabs and muscle/tendons grabs.
2007-03-16 11:57:55
answer #7
answered by Alan L 3