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just the bigger dogs. why do people always think their the bully breeds or the bad dogs? i think its from the owners, what do you think? thank you

2007-03-16 08:30:46 · 16 answers · asked by juicyfruitishandsome 4 in Pets Dogs

16 answers

They have a bad reputation because so many people treat them poorly and then of curse they become aggressive

there are no bad breeds just bad owners

2007-03-16 08:35:38 · answer #1 · answered by allyalexmch 6 · 2 0

A good example of the problem Rottweilers and other breeds have in society can be found in the answers you receive to this question.

The fact is that Rottweilers were NOT bred to fight but were herding dogs during the Roman era and more recently in Germany. They were known as butchers dogs because they helped the meat butcher herd livestock etc.

The Rottweiler is probably one of the best dogs for a family IF you are willing to give them the time and effort they need.

But you're absolutely right. It's the people that ruin a breed like the working Rottweiler. Un-educated breeders, stupid owners and the rest have done damage to both large and small breeds alike. Larger dogs however can do more damage when they misbehave or act as they were trained.

The bigger animals then develop a bad reputation because the media then uses these few extreme problems to color peoples perception so that even people who like dogs can make statements like "the Rottweiler was bred as a fighting dog."

I've placed a link to Wikipedia that outlines the honorable history of the Rottweiler that you may find quite interesting.

Here's a quote from the article:
Contrary to popular belief, these dogs are not naturally aggressive, and only display aggressive tendencies if they are either trained that way or under socialized. The Rottweiler makes a wonderful family pet, and has been noted for its sweet nature and gentleness with children.

That description describes my best friend Willy, a Rottwieler who I trusted my family with for 13 years.

2007-03-16 16:18:36 · answer #2 · answered by Steve 2 · 2 0

People think pits are a bully breed because they are a bull dog breed hence the bully part..

As for why they think of them as bad dogs blame the new. Look up dog bite statics and you will see the truth. Just makes for better new stories if you have a pit or rott involved lets face it toy poddle attacks just don't equal high ratings but pit bull attack dose....

2007-03-16 15:36:38 · answer #3 · answered by debcat76135 4 · 1 0

I have trained many of these breeds there is insanity among all breeds of dogs here and there. However most people confine these dogs all day so they are bored crazy and they take it out on the first thing they see

By the way Rots were breed to hunt bears and Pit bulls...you guessed it they controlled a bull when it charged a cowboy.

None of these were breed to fight. That is a cruel sport

2007-03-16 15:37:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yeah I noticed that... I just got a pup and he is half Rottweiler and half Siberian Husky. When I say that people look all scared or apprehensive like hes gonna turn into some kind of monster.... but I know he will be just fine with training and socialization. I have known many rotties and huskies over the years and all were great sweet natured dogs.. not one of them ever scared me or made me feel threatened. I have known more poodles and cockers that were aggressive than any other breed but that is only because of the people that owned them.. mostly older inexperienced people who literally spoiled them rotten. The only bad dogs I have ever met can be directly attributed to bad training or complete lack of training. Most commonly I see dogs that have severe dominance aggression but there is no breed barrier... mutts, collies, cockers, poodles, schnauzers, dobes, shih tzus... every kind of dog can be bad or mean if they are not taught and raised otherwise. Yes I agree that some breeds are more likely to respond badly to lack of training but no dog breed is solely responsible its all in the owner and individual personality of the dog.. you put a headstrong dominant dog in the hands of someone who lets it run the show and yeah you'll end up with trouble down the road, but put the same dog in the hands of someone who knows how to be the boss and train the dog and there will never be a problem. I myself have dealt with dominant dogs and I can say that large breeds that were bred to be independant working dogs are more likely to be natural born leaders that need a firm training technique but they are not naturally mean they are naturally bossy, and that can lead to aggression if they dont have an owner who can be the strong leader alpha dog they require to be controlled.

2007-03-16 16:34:17 · answer #5 · answered by Kelly + Eternal Universal Energy 7 · 2 0

Pit bulls aren't actual breed - it is commonly used to refer to Staffordshire Terriers, but any dog that is bred to fight in a pit (like bulldogs and bullterriers) is considered a "pit bull".

You are right in assuming the problem is at the other end of the leash, which would not be so bad were it not for the fact that Staffordshires and Rottweillers are exceptionally strong dogs. The bite strength on Staffs is 2000 lbs per sq. in. and the Rotties is 3000 lbs per sq in. So anytime these dogs bite they have the potential to be extremely destructive. In the case of Staffordshires they also have a very high pain threshold and lock jaws. When engaged the only way to get them to let go is to burn their genitals and there have even been reports of these dogs being shot through the skull, yet still maintaining their grip even in death. These dogs require knowledgeable, experienced owners.

2007-03-16 15:47:03 · answer #6 · answered by GDBear 4 · 2 1

You're right the humans are the ones that makes the dog what it is. My daughter has pits, I have Dobermans and the Rottweilers that I know are ALL big babies!!!! The ones that calls these certain dogs mean, bullies or vicious probably don't have any idea about the breeds and have never been around them.

2007-03-16 15:37:57 · answer #7 · answered by ® 7 · 2 0

i just posted on differ ??? and yes the owners....how can one dog be 'bad' with one owner's home and 'good ' with a new family....reason...the new family has trained the dog ..became it leader so the dog changed....
i see it ever time i go to my inlaws 2 dogs , and bro inlaw lives beside their 2 dogs the 4 dogs can not be out together because they all fight and then we take my 2 dogs....all 6 dogs get along fine untill the inlaws come out...then their dogs become yippy and snappy at my dogs and bro inlaws also snap at mother inlaws... and will attack them. does that make sence? my point is that why would the dogs all get along with just me and hubby outside with them .....but when the owners come out all hell breaks lose? some owners cause more problems....there is no human leader ship role there 2 differ dogs in 2 differ houses have a leader role so then 2 packs meet and there has to be one dominat dog....however when it is just me and hubby we take that role....so there are no fights in 6 dogs if one looks like its about to start its ended....well before it happens...i ramble sometimes.... sorry
but yes owners need to realize that u can love your dog but dogs are dogs not 'fur babies' the need a leader and if u don't take on that role(without abuse) then they will because in a pack there has to be a leader! and i believe that any time a dog attacks it should be the owners who pay (not just with $$$$)...don't breed ban..ban bad owners..lol
although i love the stronger breeds i believe that if u want that breed u should be tested or something to see how much ya know about dogs..and u must be willing to take the dog to training. there would be fewer 'problem dogs out there if more ppl would look to themselves as the problem and not belame the 'dumb dog'....

the pit is the only 'bully breed' u listed dobbie and rotties are not a bully breed....unless u mean the bully who picks on everyone.?????

none of them. the real bully is the people who get any dog and think they train themselves...or get the stronger breeds for protection....and think they can 'train' it to protect and use the wrong means of training. then the dog turns on someone and its the owners fault...but get belamed on the dog/breeds

and yes i've worked with all of them breeds, many of them come in to shelters with problems....but most of the problems can be worked out....with some training...and a leader....thats all a dog wants is someone to tell them what to do....its what we have bred them for is it not? most all dogs once had jobs and it wasn't to be couch potatos. even companion breeds at least moused....

2007-03-16 16:02:45 · answer #8 · answered by dragonwolf 5 · 1 0

the American Pit-Bull terrier was known as a family dog untill the 60's with the hippies fighting them. They are extremly loyal dogs which makes them great for familys that don't have a lot of freinds... bull breeds are hunting dogs that were misuesd in the 50's &60's... poor pups.

2007-03-16 15:41:04 · answer #9 · answered by Freq, Grandparent of Y!A 4 · 1 0

I think that people say that because if a dog bites a little kid and if it is a rott or a Pitt it will be on the news but any other dog no one cares!!! I see it alot i just think it's cause they look mean so people assume they are cause what they hear

2007-03-16 15:38:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Because a lot of people hear these breeds names and think of dog fights, drugs and all kinds of crap.

Did you know that it is hard to insure a home that has a pitt, rottie, german shepard, akita, chow chow (my aunt used to breed chows, and they are mean mean dogs) or doberman. Look it up. Any dog can be mean, no matter what. My mom has a mutt and he is the sweetest and smarter than most purebred dogs.

2007-03-16 15:52:54 · answer #11 · answered by HijabiMuslimah 3 · 1 0

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