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Ok so my son was in gym class last Wednesday and the gym teacher lost control and grabbed him up by the arms about a foot in the air and then threw him back down onto the gym floor (yes he was sprawled out). So I go up to the school the next day and have a meeting with the teacher and the assistant principal. The teacher admitted to having done this...at least he didn't try to lie...his reason for doing it? Stressed out by all of the kids he can't control pushed him over the edge (my son is in the last class of the day). And then he admitted that my son isn't one of the problem causers...I guess he'd just built up so much anger over the course of the day he couldn't see straight anymore and grabbed the first convenient target...like his excuse was just "having a bad day". Anyway they wanted to just apologize and that be the end of it. I said no way not enough...I wanted it to at least be made a part of the teachers record so if it ever happens to another little kid then he would

2007-03-16 07:32:57 · 32 answers · asked by Proud Mommy of 6 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

be in a lot of trouble. The principal said ok if that's what I wanted then no problem and that they would get back to me regarding the exact course of action they had decided to take and I would get a follow up phone call and a copy of the write-up. Well over a week has gone by and...nothing. I am only going to assume that blew off my concern totally and I'm very upset...What steps would you as a parent take from here...This guy really did scare the crap out of my son he's 11 and like 85 pounds and the gym teach is a BIG dude...especially coming at a child in anger like that. Not to mention that it's ILLEGAL.

2007-03-16 07:35:44 · update #1

32 answers

Contact the police department and your local media.
His life will be over for a few months but screw it, that will teach him a lesson. Get it, 'teach' him a 'lesson'. cause hes a teacher. How ironic!

2007-03-16 07:35:56 · answer #1 · answered by Annal 3 · 3 2

Wow. Definetly push the issue for sum kind of leave w/o pay or something. Have him taken out of that class too. I wouldn't put up with that. Ask the principal what he would do if it were his child being bullied by an adult at school...an adult that is supposed to be a role model!! If he gets that stressed out by kids..he needs a new profession! He needs to get the boot! What if he freaks out again and does sum real damage to someone elses kid? Then the other parents are going to want to know why something wasn't done the first time, then both the principal and the gym teacher get fired. Bad outcome. An apology may help you, but it wont help the stress hes under..and it can happen again!

2007-03-16 07:44:04 · answer #2 · answered by punky brewster 3 · 0 0

Keep pressure on the school. DON'T contact the media, and leave the police out of this for the moment. Schools take a long time to settle disputes like this because they don't want to get sued by the parents or the staff member who is accused. Just keep pressure on the Principle, and if nothing happens, contact the school board directly. Bringing the police in without giving the school a chance will greatly complicate the process. Then you're talking about court appearances, and drawing out your child's bad experiance even more (he WILL have to testify). Same with the media. Not only will it draw out this bad experiance, but your child will be labeled as that kid who made a big deal about getting pushed down. Now before you get mad at me, I DON'T agree with this label, and I don't want to downplay the incident, because it is serious, but this is how kids think. Then this incident will follow your child throughout his school days. Let the school board deal with the issue, keep pressure on them, and if nothing happens in two weeks or so, start threatening lawsuite.

2007-03-16 07:42:04 · answer #3 · answered by Wildernessguy 4 · 0 0

Good call, ma'am. It's a reflection of society as a whole. The cop - doesn't chase the perp. Just grab somebody feasible to do the paperwork on. The Mayors pass ordinances on ridiculous things so they look like they're doing something. Admittedly your kid isn't one of the problem ones. Which aren't being dealt with at all. So, yeah. Do it. It's one thing to forgive, but people who think they can invade your space or person will do it again. If you establish a prohibitting ground on a record like that it insures some measure of prevention from further abuse. Schools generally in the United States are well below par and in some places training ground for criminals, generally. If you have to pay to go to a 'nice' school ( without guarantees of it being so ) then why is it compulsory? To insure the perpetuating of a criminal class? Personally, I opt for home schooling. The defeated mindset of school staff generally aren't something I'd want to commit a kid too. We come into this world imperfect to put it mildly. You don't need an environment that stokes the burner of bad stuff so to speak. At least, you care enough about your kid to do that. Few people in reality do. They just can't wait to get rid of them or capitalize on them. Kudos.

2007-03-16 07:40:39 · answer #4 · answered by vanamont7 7 · 0 0

I think the Teacher needs an anger managment class, and yes be in the record. But these poor teachers have to put up with sooooooo much these days! I'm surprised anyone wants to become one anymore!! Unruly kids, demanding parents, way low pay, it's becoming just to much to deal with. My daughter in law was a teacher, but went back to nursing, because she had such a hard time. If it wasn't with the kids themselves, it was with unreasonable parents!!! None of this excuses the teacher, but I would try to have a little more compasion for him. Suggest the anger managment class. Your Son was not injured so any legal action would be totally unecessary! Everyone has to get off this sue at the drop of a hat thing!!!

2007-03-16 07:40:07 · answer #5 · answered by wish I were 6 · 1 0

Make an appointment with the superintendent of your school district. This needs to go on his record. A friend of mine is a superintendent and said this is the least of what they will do. He might get referred to an anger management class and/or be suspended for a few days.

Follow up on it. You're doing the right thing and possibly protecting other kids from this teacher that is "having a bad day". Hope your son is all right. It's scary having an adult that you should feel safe with attack him in such a violent manner.

2007-03-16 07:52:26 · answer #6 · answered by Jaderose 2 · 0 0

You SHOULD make sure it is apart of his record. That is just not appropriate for any teacher be it the first class of the day or the last. If it were my son i would make sure the teacher was reprimanded. You should probably go to the Board of Education to make sure it will be documented. Don't just take the Asst. Principals word for it make it happen for your self. Also i would urge you to talk to your son on a regular basis and find out if the teacher is doing this to other students.

2007-03-16 07:43:18 · answer #7 · answered by thats right 2 · 0 0

Could you imagine what would happen to you..... Threw the school if your son had went to school and said you had done this to him.

They would have called the cops &children services....You need to report this...Does this guy have kids at home that he's taking his bad days out on?

Seems like the school is covering for this person. And that goes against everything they are expost to stand for right?

If someone touched my child in that manner...teacher,family,ect.... I would not be consoled with a apologie. There is nothing that could be said for that kind of behavier.


2007-03-16 08:33:47 · answer #8 · answered by sparksgirls6 6 · 0 0

I think you are doing the right thing.... I don't really know what the question is here, but make sure that it is on record. Take your son out of his class if you feel the need. Also, don't be afraid to call the cops and make a report. That will really get some action going. People shouldn't be able to do that to our children. Especially when we are suppose to be trusting them to teach our children-not harm them.

2007-03-16 07:39:13 · answer #9 · answered by thezookeeper 4 · 0 0

I bet it is taking some time because they are trying to figuire out WHAT to do......and how to do it. If the guy is so stressed he needs to take a leave....this should not have happened but you never kknow what the politics and inner workings are in any place so it is hard to say why they have not responded, perhaps the policies are not clear and subject to interpretation.....
One thing though, not that you mentioned it, but you will lose your credibility if you sue for $.......at least you would with me, unless your son was hurt and it doesn't sound like he was.

It sounds like you are sincer and just want the guy to be better.......wonder about steroids.....anyway good luck.

2007-03-16 07:41:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, you want that teacher in trouble. I sort of agree. Teachers have a lot of stress, I know. But to treat them as if they are allowed to hit, but it's illegal for anyone else? That is wrong. Get a lawyer and just talk to them.

On the other hand, this guy may have a family. Kids. He really may never have snapped. Consider making sure, with a lawyer, that this is on his record. For the safety of the other kids. But you may want to leave it at that, or counseling for the teacher. You may not want to seek legal damages or actions, but just keep others safe. Ruining his life my ruin yours as well.

2007-03-16 07:38:08 · answer #11 · answered by WriterMom 6 · 1 0

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